Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's (Finally) Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

Can you guys believe Christmas is just 2 weeks away?!  Even though it's sneaking up fast Scott and I were big time procrastinators this year.  Last night we ventured out into the cold, 7 degree weather to search for a tree after work.  6 Christmas tree lots later, we finally decided to go with a fake tree this year because the selection was pretty slim at the lots (that's what we get for waiting so long).  I was a little sad because I love the smell of a real tree.  But I have to admit that after last year's tree fiasco (the tree fell over in the middle of the night and broke my favorite ornaments) it was reassuring to know that a fake tree would be a little more stable.  We even got some Scentsy ornaments to make the tree smell real. :)

Scott and I both have traditions in our families of getting a new Christmas ornament in our stockings every year.  Sometimes I would even end up with 2 ornaments in my stocking.  Because of our traditions, we both have enough ornaments to fill our entire tree.  I don't know what we're going to do once we have kids!  We'll probably have to get a huge tree to fit all of those ornaments someday. 

I love our homemade, mismatched stockings 

It finally feels like Christmas around here.  I love having the warm, cozy glow of Christmas lights in our living room at night.  Merry Christmas! 

-What are your favorite Christmas traditions?
-Do you like a real tree or fake one?


  1. I love real trees! But, I can see the appeal of fake trees. We haven't got our tree yet because our schedules have been so chaotic, so getting a live tree seems like such a short lived benefit. With the fake one, you can use it over and over again! :) My favorite Christmas tradition is actually going up to cut a tree down from the National Forest just north of us, but this year I think we're going to have to do a lot tree because of the scheduling issue and the fact that my dad's health is pretty unpredictable (he is on hospice). I have a feeling it is going to be a rather quiet Christmas this year because of my dad's condition. But, I have some of our house decorations up and am looking forward to having a tree sometime soon.
    Wow - that was a long comment! :)

    1. Thanks for your comment! We were going to go chop down a real tree this year too but never got around to it either. I think it's been difficult for a lot of people to find time this year because Thanksgiving came so late. I hope your dad gets better soon!

  2. I have miniature tree. Sadly our apartment right now isn't very big and it would just be a huge hustle bringing a big real tree in. :( *tear tear*

    1. I think mini trees are cute. We thought about doing that too because we live in a small apartment. When we looked though, all the mini trees were almost as expensive as the fake one we ended up getting!

  3. I'd take any tree, real or fake! Yours looks so pretty :) I'll light a christmas tree smelling candle instead haha

    1. Thanks Davida! I think we might end up getting one of those too to make it smell like a real Christmas tree even more :)

  4. I love your tree it looks great even if it is a fake one! I've never heard of that scentsy stuff but it sounds great. We have a small apartment so we only have a small fake tree but because it is LED lights we can't hang any ornaments on it.

    1. Thanks Jan! Yeah, I love the scentsy things. We got them at Home Depot..but I'm not sure if you guys have that store in Australia? That's too bad that you can't hang ornaments on your tree but at least you have lights. I think lights are the best part about decorating for Christmas. :)

  5. Awe it's too bad about the real tree. :( But just get some pine scented candles and all will be well. :) I love white lights over colored lights as well. I think lights in general are the best part about Christmas. I don't have a tree, but I have lights around my window, so that's something. :)

    1. That's true Tonya! I love candles too so I'll have to get some Christmas ones. I completely agree, I love lights at Christmas time.

  6. invest in the glade 'spruce it up' candle. it's only 2.99 and has the best tree smell! not the icky tree smell that some candles have

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try that for sure :)
