Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Look Back at 2014

Can you guys believe 2014 is almost over?  I don't know about you, but this year seemed to fly by for me.  This has been a pretty amazing year for us; filled with a new addition to our family, fun trips, a new car and lots of family time.  We've had a few bumps and trials along the way (no year would be complete without a few of those) but overall this has been one great year!
In January I traveled to Utah to spend time with my sisters and to be there for my niece's baptism day.  I also got to watch my sister's ultrasound and find out she was having a baby girl! 

In February Scott turned 25 and we celebrated a combined birthday bash for Scott, my mom and my nephew on Super Bowl Sunday.  We also had a fun Valentine's date night with homemade gifts for each other.  

In March we celebrated our 3 year anniversary a little early (our anniversary is actually in April) by spending a weekend away in Monterrey, California.  We had so much fun going to the aquarium, whale watching and eating the most delicious seafood I've ever had.  

In April we celebrated our 3 year anniversary (again), my dad's birthday and Easter with my family. 

In May we welcomed my new niece, Marlowe, to our family.  I couldn't stop cuddling her and she gave me serious baby fever. 

In June I turned 25, Scott bought me a paddle board for my birthday and we bought a new car.

In July we watched fireworks with family, went to baseball games and saw Carrie Underwood (please excuse the horrible picture quality...our seats weren't the greatest but she was amazing live). 

In August we spent some time with Scott's family in California for his little brother's wedding and a fun, surprise trip to Disneyland.

In September we soaked up the gorgeous Fall weather and spent lots of time hiking in the mountains. 

In October we made some amazing new friends and had fun dressing up for costume parties, carving pumpkins and going to scary haunted houses.  

In November we celebrated Thanksgiving twice; once with our friends for "Friendsgiving" and once with my family. 

In December we had fun going to an ugly sweater party with friends, getting together with family and learning how to use our new fancy camera (we can't wait to take lots of fun pictures with it next year).

I'm sad to see this year come to an end but I'm already so excited to see what exciting adventures 2015 will bring.  We're looking forward to our big Italian vacation in April, Scott's getting ready to apply to graduate school and I'm looking into getting certified as a personal trainer/health coach.  I hope you all had an amazing year too.  Thanks for reading and following along on my blog.  

*Some of you might also be wondering where I disappeared to in 2014.  I was pretty consistent at blogging in the beginning of the year but a stressful job and health issues sadly pulled me away.  This year my biggest goal is to get back into blogging and make Kisses and Kale better than ever.  I have lots of new blog posts, collaborations and designs planned for this year.  Stay tuned for even more workouts, healthy living tips and recipes.

What were your big highlights this year?
What do you have planned for 2015?


  1. A great post looking back at your year and good luck with your plans for 2015. I want to add a 'living gluten free' part to my blog this year but I have got to spend more time on the technical side of my blog😕

    1. Thank you Jane! I know what you mean about spending more time on the technical side of your blog. I'm planning on re-designing my blog and it's so overwhelming. Good luck and happy new year!!
