Tuesday, June 18, 2013

As One Door Closes...

A few months ago I posted about how I left my job as a Headstart teacher to become a nanny.  I left because I was overwhelmed with paperwork, being the site director, AND teaching 2 classrooms of 17 kids each at Headstart.  I thought the nanny position would give me a chance to take a break and spend time with a child 1 on 1.  I loved my job so much and the family was great to work for.  They were even going to take me to Hawaii with them this month (which I was getting SO excited for).
This week I was thrown a complete curveball when the mom told me she had decided she needed to spend more time with her child and is going to stay home with him now.  She told me they won't be needing a nanny anymore, even in Hawaii.  I was completely shocked and sad to be laid off from this job.  I was really upset at first but then Scott (being the awesome husband that he is) told me to keep my chin up and look at this as a new opportunity; everything happens for a reason.  He was right and as sad as I am to have lost my job, I'm staying positive and looking for new opportunities to use my degree in my field.  I was even blessed enough to have 2 interviews yesterday- one of them is for a lead teacher/closing director position.

I love this quote from President Hinckley:
"Life is just like an old time rail journey...delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.  The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
This is a "jolt" in my life right now but I know that the Lord is watching over me.  This is a learning experience for me and I know that eventually, things will all work out.

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