Thursday, July 25, 2013

Post Grad

I can't believe it's already been a year since Scott and I graduated from BYU-Idaho!  This past year has gone by so fast and so slow at the same time.  It's funny to look back and remember how we thought we had everything planned out when we graduated- I would start teaching at Head Start, Scott would work at the place where he interned during the winter, and we had the perfect apartment picked out to live in.  Everything would be great and we would easily transition into post-grad life.  Ha!  Just when you think you have life figured out, it throws you a curveball.  We ended up moving into my parent's basement, the place Scott interned at said they didn't have any openings and Scott couldn't find any other PR jobs in Reno.  I did get the job at Head Start but quickly realized that it was definitely not the job for me.
Graduation day July 2012- I got my BS in Child Development and he got his BA in Communications
Things have a way of unfolding and working out for the best though.  The most important thing I've learned this past year is to always have faith in the Lord and in His timing.  We have been so blessed to have things work out; even though they didn't work out exactly how or when we wanted them to.  Scott eventually found a job, we moved into a great apartment, and I left Head Start. It's been a bumpy road for my career since leaving, but I've been blessed to have other opportunities in my field.  Right now, I'm job shadowing and will hopefully be interning soon to become an early interventionist (my dream job!).  I'm also working on my graduate school application right now.  Scott got promoted at his job and is working hard to get experience in his field before getting his MBA.  We both wouldn't trade our education at BYU-I for anything!  I'm so grateful for the experiences and memories I made while I was there.

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