Saturday, July 13, 2013

Surf Trip

Today Scott is taking me to the beach to cross something off my bucket list...learn to surf!!  I'm SO excited!  For those of you who don't know, I've been obsessed with the ocean, surfing, and California since I was 13 (which is pretty funny to a lot of people because I'm from Reno, Nevada).  Even though I grew up in the desert, I used to go visit my sister in San Diego for the summer and watch the surfers at the beaches there.  I would swim in the ocean and go boogie boarding but I never got the chance to go surfing.  I've always been envious of people who are really good at it.  Now Scott and I are finally going to learn!

We're going to a beach that's about 3 hours away, in Pacifica, CA.  We'll make sure to take lots of pictures and fill you guys in on how it went when we get back! :)

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