Friday, October 25, 2013

10 Tips for Beginning Runners

Since being injured about a month ago, I haven't been able to run at all.  It's been really hard for me to just go for walks when the weather is so beautiful outside.  I'm finally starting to ease back into running and I feel like I'm starting at the beginning again.  I know I'll get back into it soon but right now I feel like this list is just as much for me as anyone else.  I made this list for people who are starting out as runners or trying to motivate themselves to run again (like me).

1.  Don't compare yourself to others when you are first starting out.  It's easy to worry about speed and try to run as fast as you can, but it's important to ease into running to prevent injury.  Focus on distance rather than time.  I learned this lesson the hard way when I started training with my cross country team in high school (shin splints are definitely not fun!).  I love this article from about easing into a running routine.

2.  Invest in a good pair of running shoes.  Running shoes are the most important purchase you will make when you're starting out as a runner.  It's important to go with quality and make sure they are the right shoe for you (not just the prettiest pair on the shelf).  A good pair of shoes should last you 400 to 500 miles.  I personally love my Asics but I would suggest going to a running store to have them measure you and watch how you run before buying.

3.  Make a good music playlist with a lot of variety to push you during your run.  My favorite website for running playlists is  You can download FREE pre-made playlists that fit the length of your run, genre of music, and BPM you want.

4.  Cross train and take rest days to prevent injury and supplement your running.  Choose workouts that work similar muscles groups like the elliptical or a good spin class.  Keep your heart rate up to make sure you're still getting a good cardio workout.  I also like to throw in a pilates or yoga class during the week to stretch out my muscles and build tone.

5.  Know your maximum heart rate and use your heart rate to gauge your intensity level while running.  To find your maximum heart rate, you just calculate 220- your age (so for me, it's 196).  I really love this article about using your heart rate to become a better runner.  Once you start running more you might want to buy a heart rate monitor to make it easier for you to track your heart rate/calories burned while you're running.

6.  Sign up for a 5k race to motivate yourself.  Look for a race in your area and sign up to give yourself a goal to work towards.  Try signing up and training with a friend for more support and motivation.

7.  Make sure you drink plenty of water and fuel yourself with protein and carbs before and after you run.  An hour before you run eat about 150 calorie snack with carbs and protein (like toast with peanut butter or crackers and hummus).  After you run try to stick to the 4:1 ratio rule of 4 grams carbs to 1 gram protein.  Chocolate milk, greek yogurt, or toast with peanut butter and bananas are all good things to eat after a run.

8.  Mix up your workouts to avoid getting burnt out.  Try running on trails, on the track, or by the river.  Try new places and don't get stuck in the same running rut.

9.  Keep track of the miles you run and try to go a little further each time.  If you have an iphone my favorite running app is Nike + running.  You can also use or the app on your phone to track your run.

10.  Most importantly HAVE FUN.  Don't let running become a chore.  Keep trying and push yourself a little more toward your goals and it will become more fun every time you hit the pavement.

Do any of you have anymore tips for beginning runners or people like me who need to re-motivate themselves?


  1. I think I visit your workout pages at least 5 times a week haha! Love these posts! My husband and I are total gym rats!!!

    1. Haha thanks McCall! Glad you like the workouts!
