Friday, November 22, 2013

Five Things Friday

HAPPY FRIDAY!!  Yes, I needed to use all caps for that because this has been a very long and stressful week for me.  I love doing these 5 things friday posts though because it makes me sit down and think about the positive things in my life that made me happy this week.  Even when things aren't going my way, it always helps me to focus on the positive instead of the negative.  So here are my 5 happy things for the week.  Hopefully they put a little smile on your face and help to make you happy too.  :)

(As always, thanks to Clare for hosting!)

Five Things Making Me Happy This Week

1.  My fun workouts with Scott.  He's not really into working out at the gym (he likes to play sports for exercise) but he's been coming to the apartment gym with me to watch ESPN on the gym tv.  Whatever gets him to come is fine with me.  He usually zones out on the elliptical watching football or basketball while I do my HIIT workouts.  I love having a workout buddy.

2.  All the fun activities we've been doing in my preschool class at school.  I absolutely LOVE what I do and I'm happy that I've chosen a profession that makes me happy.  This week we made "soil" (aka skittles, pudding, oreos and gummy worms) for our theme on farms.  

3.  Netflix marathons of the Office after work with Scott.  We both love the Office and it's become a routine to watch the Office together while we eat dinner and relax after work.  I love being married to my best friend.  :)

4.  Living close to my awesome family and being able to be there for my nieces and nephew.  This week we went to my 11 year old nieces honor choir performance and it was so cute!  She pretended to be embarrassed that I was there but I know it made her happy to have her Aunt Christie in the audience. 

5.  Planning out all of my upcoming posts for this blog.  I've only had my "healthy living" blog for a month now and I've already been so inspired by all the other healthy living bloggers out there.  Thanks for reading and supporting my blog!  

Five Things I Ate/New Recipes to Try

1.  Gluten free brownies (yes, the ones that I made last week!)  I've been slowly nibbling away at my yummy gluten free brownies.  Scott's been helping me a little but it's mostly been me eating them.  I'm not ashamed, they're so good!  

2.  Garlic snap peas as a side dish for dinner.  This is my favorite easy side dish and it always tastes amazing.  

3.  Broiled lemon herb salmon with brown rice and sauteed zucchini.  

4.  Recipe to try:  Gluten Free/Vegan Pumpkin Pie Squares from "Oh She Glows".  Can't wait to try these!

5.  Recipe to try:  Pecan Pumpkin Glazed Baked Gluten Free/Vegan Doughnuts (try saying that 10 times!)  I'm not a big doughnut person but these look amazing to me and I really want to try making them.

Five Fun Plans For the Weekend

1.  Go to the new Chipotle that just opened here for dinner!!  So excited for that one!

2.  Go shopping at the new H&M and Downeast Outfitters that just opened here too (lots of new places opening in Reno lately)

3.  See the new Hunger Games movie!  Scott and I loved the books, so I can't wait to see the second movie.  Have any of you seen it yet?

4.  Going to the indoor trampoline park!  Scott and I found a living social deal to go for $10. We're a couple of big kids so we thought it would be a really fun date.  

5.  Sleeping!  Can't wait to sleep in and take a big Sunday nap this weekend after church.  

Your turn!  What's making you happy this week?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Isn't it crazy how inspired you become once you start blogging. I hope I never lose my phone because any ideas I have are on there.

    I did skyrobics at a trampoline park a few months ago and it was so much fun...but soooooo hard!

    1. Yeah, between blogging and Pinterest I'm always inspired with new workouts and recipe ideas. Oh fun! I'm really excited to try it!

  2. I love how you write out your post ideas in a notebook! I totally do that too because I feel like I accomplish/think up more ideas better with pen and paper.

    I also love the project you did with your class. How adorable is that!? I am going to try something similar with my daughter next week—thanks for the idea!

    1. Thanks Anastasia! Yeah, I always need to write down my ideas or I'll forget about them. And thank you, I hope you have fun with it! The kids love it and you can't go wrong with pudding and oreos for a treat. :)
