Sunday, November 17, 2013

11/17 Weekly Meal and Fitness Plan

Happy Sunday everyone!  This has been a weird day for me today.  Scott and I went to Outback for dinner last night and we both got sick from eating there.  :(  We aren't sure if it's because of food poisoning or just because we aren't used to eating so much meat (we usually just stick to seafood and chicken but splurged on steak last night).  Anyway, we stayed home from church today and are just taking it easy watching Disney movies.  Hopefully we'll feel better by tomorrow.
I'm super excited for this week because I am starting classes at a new gym called Kaia FIT.  Their workouts are intense muscle confusion workouts that incorporate gymnastics, running, circuit training and weightlifting to keep your body guessing.  Have any of you ever tried Kaia FIT before?  I'm really excited to try something new.

This week I'm also starting a new meal and fitness plan series that I'll post at the beginning of each week.  I've seen these done on other blogs and I thought it was a great idea to share meals and workouts.  It also keeps me accountable for eating healthy and getting my booty to the gym. ;)

Meal Plan
Monday:  Crock Pot Lasagna (GF)- I'll post the recipe this week

Tuesday- Walla Walla Salmon (Teriyaki salmon topped with toasted coconut and sliced almonds) and wild rice

Wednesday- Russian Chicken (I pour Russian dressing over the chicken and bake it for 20 min, super easy and delicious) with baked sweet potato fries

Thursday-  Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili

Friday-  Date night :)  My favorite night of the week

Saturday-  Honey lime shrimp tacos with cilantro lime rice

Sunday-  Breakfast for dinner (probably omelets)

Fitness Plan
Monday- First day of Kaia F.I.T

Tuesday- Kaia F.I.T and run

Wednesday- Abs and arm workout from

Thursday- Kaia F.I.T.

Friday-  HIIT run

Saturday-  Basketball or tennis with Scott :)

Sunday-  Rest day

Have a great week!!

What meals do you have planned this week?  Any fun workouts that you're excited for?  


  1. First time reader of your blog :) Your meals sound fantastic What exactly is Russian dressing though?

    1. Thanks for reading! Russian dressing is a sweet/savory tomato dressing. You can get it at Walmart or most grocery stores. I usually buy the Wishbone brand Just pour it over chicken and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. If you don't need to eat gluten free you can also mix 1 cup with 1/2 lipton onion soup mix and pour that mixture over the chicken. It's SO good.

  2. Hope you feel better soon!!! At least you got to watch some disney movies :)

    1. Thanks Davida! Yeah, Disney movies always make me feel better lol :)

  3. I've never done Kaia fit or heard of it but it sounds very interesting! The muscle confusion kind of reminds me of Tracy Anderson, I did her DVDs a few years back.

    I am looking forward to doing a run tomorrow morning since the weather here is finally sunny! :)

    1. Yeah, I'm excited to try it! They have them all over the country too. Enjoy your run! Thanks for reading!
