Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Workout of the Week: Holiday Interval Workout

If you've been following my workouts on this blog, you might have noticed I'm a little bit obsessed with interval training.  I tend to be ADD when I'm working out and I love that intervals make the time fly by.  They also blast calories and fat in half the time of a regular workout; which is perfect if you're short on time.  These workouts are great for the busy holiday season when your schedule is packed full of events and long to-do lists.  If you're traveling, like I am this Thanksgiving, finding the time or equipment for a workout is nearly impossible.  I decided to make this quick, high intensity interval workout that you can do anywhere.  You also don't need any equipment so you can do this in a hotel room, park, or bedroom.  This workout will tone your whole body, boost your metabolism, and burn fat for hours after you're done.

Here's the breakdown:
Make sure you warm up for 5-10 minutes (jog in place, do jumping jacks, etc.).  This circuit workout contains 12 exercises.  Do each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds before moving onto the next exercise.  Once you have finished the exercises, take a 1 minute water break and repeat the exercises one more time.  When you are finished make sure you cool down for 5 minutes.

Links to Exercises:
Russian Twist (Don't need weights if you don't have them)
(I left out push ups, high knees, wall sits, and front kicks but if you need an explanation of those exercises feel free to email me and ask any questions) 

Challenge:  Take 20 minutes out of your morning on Thanksgiving to do this workout so that you can jumpstart your metabolism before eating all of that yummy food.

*Disclaimer:  I stand by these exercises and have been exercising with certified trainers and teachers since I was 13.  However, I am not a trainer myself so please consult a doctor or trainer to make sure these exercises are right for you before doing them.  

Do you like interval training?  What other types of workouts are you interested in seeing from me? 


  1. Great workout! I also enjoy interval training.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
