Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Workout of the Week #2: HIIT Strength Training

Happy Workout Wednesday everyone!  Last week I shared my HIIT cardio workout with you guys.  Today I'm going to be sharing a similar, high intensity interval workout that incorporates strength training exercises to tone your muscles while getting your heart rate up.  It is a Tabata style interval workout; which means you go for 20 seconds of HIGH intensity, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat.  This workout is a great way to incorporate strength training.
This workout will help to fire up your metabolism, burn fat, and calories in only 30 minutes!  

Here are some links to the exercises incase you don't know how to do them:

Power Jacks
Squat Press


  • You should be doing these exercises as fast and hard as you can go but make sure you don't sacrifice your form!  
  • When doing squats, make sure your knees don't stick out over your toes (you can injure your knees).  
  • When doing bicep curls keep your elbows at your sides and make sure not to swing your arms backwards.  

This HIIT workout is very high intensity so it is important to listen to your body.  Push yourself, but make sure that you aren't pushing too hard (you could end up with an injury).  If you need to modify any of the exercises please do!

  • Power Jacks: You can do regular jumping jacks or just step one leg out at a time while moving your arms like a jumping jack.
  • Squat Press:  You can do these without weights.  Just squat and press your arms up.  
  • Push Ups:  You can do a modified (girl) push up on your knees.  You can also use a bench or wall to modify the exercise even more.  
  • All Exercises:  All of these exercises can be done with free weights, resistance bands, or no weight at all.  
*Disclaimer- I stand by these exercises and have been exercising with certified trainers and teachers since I was 13.  However, I am not a trainer myself so please consult a doctor or trainer to make sure these exercises are right for you before doing them.  

Have you ever tried HIIT or the Tabata workouts?  What's your favorite new workout that you've tried recently?  


  1. I have no idea why but power jacks remind me of Shaun T in Insanity yelling at me hahaha. But they work!

    1. Hahaha I love Shaun T! And yes, they do. :) Some exercises aren't that fun but they pay off in the end.

  2. I love tabata cause I get bored if I do that same thing for too long, plus it shreds calories!

    -Elise @

    1. Yes, that's exactly why I love it too! Makes the time go by so fast!

  3. Christie, this an awesome workokut. Just saved it. Thanks :)
