Sunday, December 15, 2013

12/15 Weekly Meal/Fitness Plan

Hi everyone!  Hope you've all had a great weekend so far.  We spent the weekend doing last minute shopping for Christmas and hanging out with family for my grandpa's 90th birthday party.  This weekend went by so fast!  I can't believe it's already over and it's time to start meal planning for another week again.

Meal planning is something I grew up with.  My mom always had a board in the kitchen that listed the "menu" for the week.  I always loved it as a kid because I knew exactly what we were having for dinner that week.  Now that I'm married and live on my own, I've carried on the tradition and have my own "menu board" in my kitchen.  This week I tried to plan meals that are quick, easy and delicious since I know we'll be busy getting ready for Christmas.  

Meal Planning

My menu board that hangs on my fridge 
Monday: Cornflake Chicken (Family recipe that I LOVE!)
Tuesday:  Walla Walla Salmon (Another family recipe from my mom)
Wednesday:  Crock Pot Mexican Chicken from The Girl Who Ate Everything
Thursday:  Lemon Pepper Tilapia
Friday:  Skinny Chicken Parmesan (Another Girl Who Ate Everything Recipe)
Saturday:  Crock pot Honey Lime Chicken
Sunday:  Italian Veggie Soup

(We mostly stick to seafood, pasta, and chicken around here.  Scott and I aren't huge meat eaters)

Fitness Planning
I finally finished my Kaia Fit interval classes, so it's back to regular classes and home workouts.  My new favorite website for workouts lately is The Blonde Ponytail.  She has amazing workouts that are effective and to the point.  

Monday:  Weights (arm workout) and abs
Tuesday:  Spinning class
Wednesday:  Weights (leg workout) and abs
Thursday:  Bootcamp class
Friday:  Rest Day
Saturday:  HIIT on the elliptical or treadmill
Sunday:  Rest Day  

Meal and fitness planning really helps me to stay motivated during the week.  If I plan out healthy meals and workouts ahead of time, it's a lot harder to make excuses when the time comes to workout or make dinner. Give it a try this week and let me know how it goes.  Hope you all have a great week!

-Have you ever done meal or fitness planning?
-Do you have any "go-to" websites you use for workout ideas?


  1. Have you ever posted the Cornflake Chicken or Wala Wala Salmon? Those sound amazing!

    Here's my meal plan for the week:

    1. I'll probably post them this week or next week. I like to take pictures as I make recipes :)

  2. Looks like a great meal plan! I love how you write it on the whiteboard like that :)

    I've been trying to get better with meal planning, I usually pick a few things I'm definitely going to make and go from there with winging the rest.

    1. Thanks Jan! Some weeks I'm more like that too and it always works out great :)

  3. love love love your menu board! When I move in february I'm putting one of those up!

    1. Thanks Davida! It always helps me stay organized during the week :)

  4. that menu board is such a cute idea!

  5. I love the fridge-menu board idea. In the past I was pretty good with keeping with weekly meals, but lately, nada. After this baby comes, I can't wait to start that back up again along with working out hardcore aka breaking a good sweat again! :)

    1. Thanks Dana, it definitely helps you to stay organized with meals and prep for the week. :)

  6. I always have kind of a general idea of what I'm doing as far as food and workouts, but never to the point I write anything down. I probably should as it might help my grocery budget.

    1. It really does help with prep and grocery shopping. Planning out my meals has helped me to budget too :)
