Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Said Yes!

3 years ago, on a snowy night on December 11 I said yes to a question that changed my life forever.
Scott and I had been dating for a while, he had asked my dad if he could marry me, and we had looked at rings together.  Somehow he still managed to completely surprise me with the proposal and the ring.  He had my roommate (very convincingly) tell me that he couldn't afford a ring yet and was going to have to wait until the next semester to propose.  He took me out on a date that night to "make it up to me".  He cooked me dinner in his apartment and I have to admit, I was a little standoffish at first.  I told him I was upset that he had my roommate talk to me about how he couldn't afford a ring instead of telling me himself.  I told him it didn't matter to me and that we could still be engaged without a ring.  The whole time he had the ring in his pocket and was trying to keep a straight face as we talked.  

After dinner, he took me on a walk and we stopped at all the places that were important in our relationship.  At each spot, he gave me a cute note that said a different thing he loved about me or a memory about that special place.  At the final place we stopped (the auditorium where we had our first date) he took me to the seats where we sat on our first date.  He told me to look under my seat and I pulled out a note that said:

"Do you remember when we had our first date here?  We sat in this very spot and I couldn't believe I was on a date with the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.  I'm so glad that you decided to come with me.  That was my best first date ever.  I remember thinking even then that there was something different about you and I wanted to try my hardest to make sure you didn't get away.  And now look at how far we've come.  Who would have thought that 3 years later we'd be talking about marriage and planning our future together?  You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want you to know how much I love you.  I just need to ask you one question..."

When I looked up from reading the note, he was on one knee with a beautiful ring.  He said, "Christie I love you, will you marry me?"  I started crying and quickly said yes!  
Marrying Scott is the best decision I've ever made.  When I'm with him, I'm I can't help but smile and be happy.  He's my best friend and I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life (and eternity) with him!


  1. What a lovely proposal story! Sounds like you have a great guy there :)

  2. This is too cute. I got engaged almost 4 months ago and it was a total surprise and I still can't stop looking down and admiring my own ring. He's my prince charming.

  3. Really cute story proposal story. He did good! :)

  4. What a trickster! Such a sweet story! :)

  5. Aw, that is such a sweet story! I love that he tried to trick you. Congrats on 3 years together!!

    1. Thank you Sarah! Yeah he surprised me for sure :)

  6. That is such a totally sweet proposal.. You guys are adorable.

    I proposed to my wife on Christmas morning.. Finding "one list gift" behind the tree, that just happened to be the ring.
    She totally ate it up.. Only regret was that we were in our PJs, so the pictures are a bit silly :-)

    1. Aww that's so sweet! I think it's cute that you were in your pjs! :)

  7. Happy Anniversary! Cute seem really happy!

  8. congrats! Such a sweet proposal!!

  9. Aw, what a sweet story! Happy Anniversary! You look so happy in those pictures :]

    1. Thank you Anastasia! I was so happy! I couldn't stop smiling all night :)

  10. Ok I somehow missed this post yesterday but this is too cute!! Happy Anniversary (one day late, I know) but I hope you were able to celebrate or that you are going to this weekend.

    1. Aww thanks Erin! I think we're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate :)
