Monday, March 3, 2014

Clean Eating Grocery List

As I explained in my last few blog posts, Scott and I have decided to get back into clean eating this month.  We've been eating more processed food lately and we've both noticed that we don't have as much energy or felt as well as we used to.  (When I say we were eating processed food, I don't mean that we were eating McDonalds everyday.  We've still been eating pretty healthy but we've just had more packaged food around the house.)  Over the weekend we cleaned out our pantry and fridge and got rid of all of our "junk food".  We went shopping together and stocked up on fresh produce, whole grains, and lean meat.  Our pantry went from this:

To this: 

Our clean eating plan is basically just eating as much whole, fresh food as possible.  I did a lot of research on clean eating diets and came up with a shopping list that worked for us.  Here's my shopping list (you can obviously change it as much as you need to your for tastes):

So far our clean eating plan has gone pretty well.  I love eating this way because it doesn't feel like a diet.  I'm eating whole, natural food throughout the day and I never feel hungry.  I've found a lot of new recipes lately that I'm excited to try out and share with all of you.  Scott says he likes eating this way too, although, when he got home from work today he looked at me with a guilty face and admitted he had eaten 3 chocolate chip cookies with lunch haha.  We're slowly easing into the clean eating challenge and we aren't completely giving up treats.  I've found a lot of yummy clean dessert recipes lately that I'm excited to try out.  Tonight I'm going to make these clean peanut butter banana bites (because you just can't go wrong with a peanut butter, banana, chocolate combo!)

-Do you have any healthy foods you would add to my list?
-What are your favorite healthy snacks or treats?


  1. Looks like a great list!! I love my greek yoghurt so I would add that plus I love me some shredded coconut and goji berries for good measure too ;)

    1. I love greek yogurt and shredded coconut! I've never tried goji berries before but I've heard they're so healthy for you; I'll have to give them a try. Thanks Jan!

  2. Your list looks a lot like mine! I love a good bowl of oatmeal some mornings with almond milk, blueberries, cinnamon, and some almonds. I would definitely add oatmeal to the list!

    1. Oh yeah, oatmeal is always good for breakfast or in other recipes! I did buy some oatmeal but I forgot to add it to the list. Thanks Ashley :)

  3. Awesome idea! I know it is sure easy to eat junk when you bring it home lolz, I aim to only buy "junk" when I know I am going yo enjoy a cheat meal, otherwise I wouldn't leave the kitchen ;) lol

    1. Haha I'm the same way! That's why I never buy ice cream or any other goodies like that...I wouldn't be able to leave it alone if it was in my freezer. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog Karen!

  4. I LOVE hummus but have been trying to eat "cleaner" myself. So I replaces my beloved Triscuit crackers and using hummus with celery. And yes, peanut butter, banana, and chocolate is the best combo!

    1. Ooh I love hummus too! I really love the Sabra roasted red pepper hummus with carrots and sliced bell peppers. :)
