Sunday, November 24, 2013

11/24 Weekly Meal and Fitness Plan

Happy Sunday everyone!  Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Last week I did pretty well sticking to my fitness and meal plan from last week.  My Kaia FIT workouts have been fun and intense.  I've loved trying out a new type of workout.  This week I won't have much control over my meals because we're going out of town for Thanksgiving.  We're visiting Scott's family in Utah and my sister-in-law is making the dinner.  I'm planning on staying active though by bringing my running shoes and going for long runs.  Meals will be a different story.  Traveling and eating out while eating gluten free can be really difficult; especially around the holidays.  I'll let you guys know how it goes though and I'll do a post next week about traveling while eating gluten free.

Meal Plan:

Monday:  Mexican Tilapia (will post recipe soon) with rice

Tuesday:  Vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches

Wednesday:  Leftovers (we'll need to clean out our fridge before we go out of town)


Friday:  Leftovers

Saturday:  Hopefully Cafe Rio or Costa Vida (we miss those restaurants a lot!)

Sunday:  We'll be on the road so we'll probably bring snacks and stop at Subway along the way

Fitness Plan

Monday:  Kaia Fit

Tuesday:  HIIT Elliptical Workout

Wednesday:  Kaia Fit

Thursday:  Football with the family

Friday:  Run

Saturday:  Run

Sunday:  Rest

Hope you all have a great week and a happy Thanksgiving!  What are your meal and fitness plans this week?  How are you planning on staying active during the holidays?  


  1. Football with the fam!!! That sounds so fun! I'm jealous you get to celebrate Thanksgiving. Why are Canadians so off about things?

    1. Haha, yeah football on Thanksgiving is our family tradition. I love it! My family on my dad's side is actually Canadian too (they live in Calgary though). I've had a few Thanksgiving dinners with them in October for "Canadian Thanksgiving" and that's always really fun too. :)

  2. I'm staying active with a turkey trot on Thanksgiving day, a run with friends on Saturday and a few yoga classes this week!

    Here's my meal plan for the week!

    1. Ooh a turkey trot sounds like fun! That's great that you have friends who help you stay active even during the holidays.

  3. What do you get at Cafe Rio? We have one and I've never gone!

    1. I love the salads and the enchiladas! The sweet pork is the best! You should totally go. :)
