Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Life in Pictures

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Here a little update of what we've been up to lately (according to my iphone pictures)  
^^^Hunger Games and peppermint hot chocolate for our fun date night, tried on some jeans I used to love when I was 17 and they actually fit! (yes...I still own some clothes from high school lol), swinging with Scott at the park during our Sunday walk, he wasn't too happy about walking in the cold^^^

^^^Been using leftover salmon in my salads lately and loving it, greek yogurt and granola is my favorite breakfast, pumpkin spice gluten free waffles for dinner, even Scott (who doesn't like pumpkin or eat gluten free) loved them^^^

What did you do over the weekend? 


  1. Those waffles look delicious. I really want to see Hunger Games too but I hate going to the theater. Was it worth it?

    1. Thanks! I'm going to post the recipe tomorrow. I hate going to the theater too; it's so expensive! I thought it was worth it though. This movie was way better than the last one.

  2. loving the pictures ♡ great blog :)

  3. These look great!! I love using pumpkin in different foods...especially breakfast foods!

    1. Thanks! Yeah so do I. I never get sick of pumpkin things :)
