Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful Things

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (At least to all my US friends.  If you aren't in the US, happy Thursday!)  I hope you are all enjoying turkey day with the people you love today.  I'm having fun relaxing in Utah with Scott and his siblings this weekend.  I love this time of year because it's a time when I can reflect and be thankful for all the things I've been blessed with in my life.  I try to do this often, but life gets in the way.  I sometimes get bogged down with negativity rather than focusing on all the wonderful things I have.  I'm happy that today I get to focus on the things I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for my sweet husband and the fact that he really is my best friend.  We've been married almost 3 years now and and still feel like newlyweds.  I'm so thankful to have found my other half who treats me like a queen.  I love him so much!

I'm thankful for my family.  I love my family and my second family (Scott's family).  They're always there for me when I need them and help me out no matter what.  I love our inside jokes and crazy family dinners that always make me laugh.

I'm thankful for my friends even though most of us live in different states now.  I'm so thankful to have great best friends who are just a phone call or skype away.  I'm thankful for the new friends we've made since moving to Reno too.

I'm thankful for children and their sweet innocence that brightens up my day everyday (I work with preschool children with autism).  I can be having the worst day and then I go to work and the kids always make me feel better.  I can't wait to have a family of my own someday.

I'm thankful that I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  My faith means everything to me and I'm so grateful for my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

I'm thankful for the beauty all around me.  I am astonished by how beautiful the world around me is everyday.  I can't wait to travel the world with Scott someday and see even more of it.

I'm thankful for my education and the fact that it allows me to work in the field I love.  I love being able to help children and families.

I'm thankful for technology.  I love being able to call my friends and family on the other side of the country when I miss them.  I also love blogging too and the fact that I'm able to connect with readers from all over the world.  Thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog.

What are you thankful for?


  1. Hey everyone! Sorry if you've tried to comment on my blog and it hasn't worked. I think there was some code that was messed up but it should be fixed now. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Christie! This is so sweet. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am incredibly grateful for my family and my health :)

    1. Aww, thanks Davida! I did have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And those are great things to be thankful for!
