Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Recap

Hi friends, happy Friday!  Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends yesterday.  It's been such a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving weekend so far for us.  Yesterday we relaxed, ate, and had yummy pie with friends.  Today we shopped 'til we dropped for Black Friday.  (Seriously, we shopped for about 6 hours and I'm so tired now!)  Scott and I haven't shopped that much for clothes since we've been married so it was fun to buy some new fall clothes.  We're staying with Scott's family this weekend, so I don't want to spend too much time on the computer.  I'll get back to my regular posts next week but in the mean time here are some pictures from our weekend so far.

All of our bags from Black Friday shopping
Have a fun weekend with your family!

-What did you do this weekend?
-Did you stay at home or go shopping for Black Friday?


  1. that bird is gorgeous! we never really have traditional thanksgiving food except for the turkey! have a great Sunday!

    1. Thanks! It was so good too! I usually don't really like traditional thanksgiving food except for turkey either.

  2. Any leftovers? Feel free to send them my way :)

    1. Haha yeah we still have lots of leftover turkey and pie. Come on over! ;)

  3. Sounds like you've been having a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend! :)

    1. Yeah, it's been great! :) Now back to the real world this

  4. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving and holy moly 6 hours of shopping sounds exhausting! But I bet you found a ton of good deals and stuff to make it all worth it :)

    1. Yeah, it was a ton of shopping! We had fun though and found a lot of great deals.

  5. Replies
    1. My sister-in-law made them! They were so good. She made 5 kinds of pies and there were tons of leftovers. :)
