Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas this year! (For those of you who celebrate.  If not, hope you had a very happy holiday too!)  Scott and I had a lot of fun this year having our second Christmas together in our little apartment.  We've had so much fun setting up our tree together, making goodies for our friends and neighbors, and trying to be sneaky about surprising each other with presents.  

For Christmas Eve, we went to my sister's house for a big family dinner.  She made prime rib, baked potatoes, spiced carrots, and our traditional Christmas drink (sprite and cranberry juice).  I've always loved Christmas dinner way more than Thanksgiving dinner so I look forward to it every year.  After dinner, we had fun laughing and opening presents with my nieces and nephew and ate tons of yummy pie.  

My parents on Christmas eve
 On Christmas morning, Scott and I made breakfast together and opened presents.  In our stockings, he got me Les Miserables (which he hates) and I got him the Hobbit (which I hate).  It was a sign of true love.

I loved these Steve Madden boots that Scott surprised me with
Scott surprised me this year with a zumba workout game for our xbox kinect.  I seriously spent 2 hours dancing to it in our living room! I got him NCAA football for our xbox (he's obsessed with football and loved it).  I also got a Gymboss timer so I can do Tabata workouts at home now.  Can't wait to come up with some new, fun workouts for you guys.  I hope you all had a very merry Christmas too!  Scott has the week off this week so we get to spend lots of time together for our "staycation" for the rest of the week.
What did you do for the holidays?
What was your favorite present that you gave or received?


  1. Looks like your holiday was amazing. We aren't a big present family, but I had tons of fun spending time with them.

    1. Thanks Abby! I think spending time together during the holidays is always more important than presents. Scott and I are actually thinking of just doing stockings next year instead of lots of presents.

  2. I love seeing everyone's holiday recaps. It looks like your day was filled with good food and family-- the best kind in my opinion! :)

    1. Thank you Alisha! Hope your holidays were fun too.

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful holiday with your family!

    1. I did! Hope you did too! Thanks for reading :)

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!!! :-) I'm so glad you did!

    1. Thank you Susanna! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well. :)

  5. Girl, those boots are hot!! I love them. Scott did a fabulous job on your gifts. You got yourself a keeper :)

  6. Yay enjoy your time off with Scott! Glad to see you were able to spend the holiday with family :) And yayyy for Gymboss but not for The Hobbit because I hate it too haha

    1. Thanks Erin! I'm so excited about my Gymboss! I know, I went to go see the new Hobbit with Scott as a trade off for him coming to the Nutcracker with me and I couldn't sit through it. I had to leave the theater haha. Hope you had a great holiday too!

  7. Glad you had a fabulous time! Everyone looks so happy :) Favourite gift I gave was perfume to my bf's Mom because she never treats herself and favourite gift received was a homemade scarf!

    1. Thank you Davida! Aww that was sweet of your bf's mom! Glad you had a happy holiday too :)
