Monday, December 23, 2013

Marvelous in My Monday

Happy Monday everyone!  I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted on this blog.  Since starting Kisses and Kale I've been pretty good about posting almost everyday.  Lately, with the craziness of the last week of school, shopping, Christmas parties, and time with family I haven't had much time at all to blog.  Being away from blogging has made me realize how much I love it; it really is one of my favorite hobbies and ways to relax after a stressful day.  Now that I get a 3 week break from teaching I'll hopefully have plenty of time to catch up on my blogging.

Today I'm going to share some fun things from the weekend and link up with Healthy Diva Eats for some Marvelous in My Monday.  I love reading these posts on other healthy living blogs and decided to finally do my own MIMM.

Marvelous is getting all dressed up to go to my favorite ballet, The Nutcracker.  I danced when I was younger and love the ballet.  I remember getting dressed up in a big, fancy dress to go the Nutcracker with my dad when I was little.  This year I dragged Scott with me and he surprisingly really liked the ballet.  

We also got to go out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill for free before the ballet, thanks to my big sister giving us a gift card for Christmas.  

We spent Friday night listening to Christmas music while making treats for our friends and neighbors. 

 Marvelous is watching our elderly neighbor's eyes fill with tears of joy as we visited her with some treats for Christmas.  She told us she is a widow and we are the only visitors she's had all month.  For me, serving as Christ did and helping to brighten others days is really what Christmas is all about.  

Marvelous is these awesome, funny gift tags I bought at Target this year and finishing all my wrapping over the weekend. 

The gold packages are "glitter packages".  It's one of my favorite family traditions where we pick our favorite present for the other person and write their name in glitter on the outside.  Once we have kids, the glitter packages will be the big present from Santa.

Hope you all have a fabulous holiday week!

-What did you do over the weekend?  


  1. I love the Nutcracker, but my hubby did not so much like it when I made him go a few years back, so I'm waiting for my four year old to be a little older (maybe next year) so we can start going together as a holiday tradition. I also love the story about your elderly neighbor! Such a great gift to give her - your presence! Thanks for sharing!

    1. That's a great idea for a holiday tradition! I want to do that with my kids someday too. Thank you! Hope you have a great holiday week!

  2. I saw those same gift tags! I've never made my own chocolate covered pretzels and I have no idea why not!

    1. They're so good! You should try it! The other treats are ritz crackers with peanut butter in the middle, dipped in chocolate. They're SO good!

  3. The visit to your elderly neighbor must''ve been special! The Nutcracker, I've always wanted to see it live! I know I will! Happy Holidays!

    1. Thank you Jessica, it was very special. :) Happy Holidays to you too!

  4. Those treats do look amazing. I am sure your neighbor was so touched.
