Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What I Ate Wednesday

Since starting this blog I've discovered so many other creative healthy living blogs that have inspired me to live a healthier life.  A lot of the blogs I follow participate in "What I Ate Wednesday" posts, where they take keep track of what they ate for a day and post it on their blog.  I've always loved reading WIAW posts on other blogs but kept forgetting to take pictures so that I could do my own.  This week I finally remembered to keep track of what I ate and am excited to link up with Peas and Crayons for my first "What I Ate Wednesday" post.

After coming back from vacation, I decided to try and focus on eating more protein, fruits and veggies in my diet.  I've noticed that the more veggies I eat, the more I crave healthy foods instead of junk food and sweets.  Here is a look at what I ate on Tuesday, 12/3.  
I'm usually in a hurry so today I grabbed a quick greek yogurt on my way out the door.  It probably wasn't the best choice because by 10 am I was starving!

  I grabbed a nature valley protein bar for a morning snack.  I love the peanut, almond, dark chocolate kind.  

 For lunch I had a kale, apple, quinoa, and walnut salad.  It was SO good and filled me up (incase you didn't know, I'm a huge fan of kale).

When I got home I had my favorite red pepper hummus with multigrain, gluten free chips.  

For dinner I made pan seared tilapia, steamed green beans and carrots, and broccoli salad.  

For a snack after dinner I had a fresh mango, my favorite.  I'm taking advantage of buying fresh fruit while I still can (it's usually not as available during the winter around here)

I loved doing a WIAW post because it helped me remember to track what I was eating throughout the day.  I felt so much better eating more fruits and veggies.  I felt satisfied throughout the day and didn't crave any sweets of salty snacks.  Hopefully I'll remember to do it next week too.  Hope you all have a great day today!  

-What's your favorite snack to eat during the day?


  1. That salads looks amazing! Some of my favorite snacks are greek yogurt, and I love a green smoothie (almond milk, protein powder, banana, spinach, and ice). I also love string cheese! Well, any kind of cheese but I only buy string cheese or else I'd go to town!

    1. Oh I love cheese and smoothies for snacks too! String cheese is my favorite. :)

  2. Now I'm craving mango! I think I need to move to the tropics so I can have fresh fruit year round!

  3. that kale salad looks sooo good! I have been loving quinoa lately so I'll definitely be trying to make this.

    1. Thanks, it was really good! I'll have to post the recipe on my blog soon because I'll definitely be making it again. :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by Vanessa!

  5. Your kale salad for lunch looks fantastic!! I need to make that right away :) Welcome to the fun of WIAW!

    1. Thanks! It was a really good salad. I'm excited to start doing WIAW :)

  6. I didn't realize those nature valley bars are gluten free. I will definitely be trying those - they look yummy! :)


    1. Yes they are. They do have chicory root extract in them and a lot of people are sensitive to that, so be careful. They also have high fructose corn syrup in them so I wouldn't recommend them if you're trying to eat clean. I usually just grab them when I'm at work and need a quick snack. :) They are really good though.

  7. What a delicious day of meals. What all did you include in your broccoli salad? It looks fantastc!

    1. Thanks Jessie! It had celery, carrots, onions, broccoli, raisins, and sunflower seeds. It was really good :) I'll try and post a recipe for it soon.

  8. All your food looks lovely! Welcome to the WIAW fun :-)
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thanks Juli! I'm excited to start doing WIAW!

  9. Welcome to WIAW! That salad looks delicious. I made something similar pretty often this summer and now you have me craving one :)

    1. Thanks Kim! Yeah, I usually eat more salad during the summer too but this winter I have been craving healthy salads a lot.

  10. Thanks,for your comment.The anti-blemish solution make-up is very good. My skin has improved.
    I can really recommend the make-up. :-)
    Lovely greets Nessa

  11. Thankyou for following on bloglovin, I have followed back. Loving this both, its great to find out what other gluten free's have x
