Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Detoxing for Weight Loss

It's finally time for the holidays and that means lots of activities, parties, and FOOD.  With all the yummy holiday treats surrounding us this time of year it can be easy to gain a few extra pounds.  In years past, this has happened to me and I usually ended up feeling sluggish and didn't have any energy by the end of the holiday season.
When I was in high school, I decided to jump start my weight loss after the holidays and turned to a detox/juice fasting diet to lose weight.  For a week, I only drank fruit and vegetable juice and slowly incorporated whole fruits, vegetables, and nuts towards the end.  I lost 10 pounds but I felt terrible the whole week and didn't have the energy to exercise.  I wasn't able to keep the weight off either and it quickly came back.  Many people use quick detox diets like these after the holidays to lose weight but it isn't a healthy, long term solution to weight loss.

What is a detox diet?
Detox diets are weight loss plans that claim to help you lose weight by clearing your body of toxins and speeding up your metabolism.  Most of these diets usually include fasting and maybe incorporating some fruits, veggies, and supplements.

Will a Detox Diet Help Me Lose Weight? 
Yes, but only if you do it in the right way.  Starvation diets and prolonged juice fasting might be a quick fix for losing a few pounds but they definitely aren't the way to keep weight off for the long term.  The majority of weight lost from these types of diets is usually just due to water weight, not fat.  These diets can also have negative side effects like low blood sugar, irritability, dizziness, and fatigue (yuck!).

Detoxing the Healthy Way
Not all detox diets are unhealthy "quick fixes".  You can juice and detox as long as you look at it as more of a long term solution.  Rather than fasting, opt for a clean-eating, healthy diet plan for 2 weeks to a month.

Here are my 5 tips for a healthy detox plan that will help you lose weight and keep it off:

1.  Drink lots of water- Water is key for losing weight and flushing toxins.  For a general rule of thumb, divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water per day. (This will vary depending on how active you are).  Put a little lemon in your water or a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar for added detoxification.  I try to carry a 32 oz water bottle with me throughout the day to make sure I'm drinking enough throughout the day.

2.  Eat a balanced diet-  You may have heard the advice "eat the rainbow" to lose weight.  This advice is very true when trying to detox your body.  It's important to eat a variety of fruits and leafy veggies.  Eat whole grains, raw nuts, and lean protein.  The vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in these types of foods support your body in it's natural detoxification process and will satisfy your hunger so you don't binge on unhealthy foods later.

3.  Cut out excess calories, sugar, processed foods, and saturated fat- Throw out the chips, cookies, and processed snacks.  Stick to whole foods that don't come in a package.  It's important to eat only whole, natural foods while trying to clear your body of toxins.  Processed foods will add toxins and chemicals to your body, making it harder to flush your body and lose weight.

4.  Exercise daily-  Exercise is so important for many reasons but especially for detoxification.  Sweating is one of the ways your body releases toxins naturally.  Try to be more active and find ways to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine.  I love a good hike, spin class, or long run at the end of the day to work up a good sweat.

5.  Take extra vitamins-  Many people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.  You can get these vitamins naturally through fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and halibut.  If you're not a big fish eater, you can also take these vitamins in a supplement form.  I take omega-3 pills everyday to make sure I'm getting enough.  Make sure that you are getting good quality fish and supplements though.  Lower quality fish and supplements can contain traces of mercury and other harmful chemicals.


-Have you ever tried a detox diet?
-What do you do to lose extra weight in a healthy way?  


  1. Unfortunately yes I've tried detox diets too just like you! Particularly after holidays like Christmas in the lead up to New Years. Or as a New Years resolution and I've always failed miserably too.

    Love all your tips as I so agree habits need to be ongoing not a once off quick fix thing :)

    1. Thanks Jan. Yeah, I think a lot of people try those type of diets without researching them first and it isn't healthy.

  2. Great tips! I've never really tried a detox diet, per say, but I've done the tons of water thing and kicked more butt at the gym and just watched my portions. I did try the "eating 1 cube of cheese and almost fainting fad" once. Yeah...not a good plan. After baby, well, not directly after but at least 7-8 weeks after, I plan on kicking butt with exercise again, {pretty hardcore} and really curbing the foods I consume. Another excuse is walking more with the stroller and that I'll be just so busy with her that my portions of food will def. be lessened. :)

    1. Yeah the "eat a cube of cheese" fad is definitely not a good one! Your plan sounds much healthier. :)

  3. I've never done anything like a juice fast or anything...I guess I just like real food too much. :) But I especially agree about water. And also getting enough sleep because I know when I don't, I crave salty, carb-y type food. I also try to avoid alcohol when I'm feeling "off." Hard this time of year I know.

    1. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend juice fasting unless you have a nutritionist supervising or know what you're doing. They can be dangerous. Real food is much better anyway. ;) Those are all great things to do. Sleep is so important when you're trying to lose weight or just be healthier overall.

  4. I just posted about the 21 Day Sugar Detox that I am currently doing. These tips are wonderful. I have to remember to take vitamins.

  5. Orion Healing Koh Phanganis also one place which you should visit to detox yourself.
