Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What I Ate Wednesday

Hope you guys are having a great week so far.  Only 2 days left of work for me and then it's 3 weeks off after that for Christmas break (can't wait)!  Today for my "What I Ate Wednesday" post I'm sharing some of my favorite eats from the last few days.  I've been taking pictures of what I've been eating lately but haven't taken pictures from an entire day this week. 
^^^Briana's Poppyseed dressing-I am seriously addicted to this stuff!  I eat it on most of my salads and go through a new bottle at least twice a month.  I've also been eating tons of salads lately with lots of different veggies in them.  My tip for salads is to cut and prep your veggies ahead of time so that they're easier to put together quickly.  It also helps if you have a variety of protein (hard boiled eggs, beans, cooked chicken, etc.) on hand to throw in when you need it.^^^

^^^(top left pic) Scott and I have discovered that our favorite date night is making homemade gluten free pizza together.  On Monday we made 2 different pizzas that were SO good.  I love the Bob's Red Mill whole grain, gluten free pizza dough mix for the crust.  (bottom left pic) I've been mixing lots of quinoa into my salads lately to mix it up.  This salad had quinoa, onions, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, olives, and feta cheese.  (right pic) I've also been eating lots of gluten free chicken noodle soup lately because I've been fighting a cold and now the flu.  I always get sick right before Christmas.^^^

^^^Oatmeal butterscotch cookies.  These needed their own picture because I love them so much.  The recipe makes 4 dozen cookies so I've had a lot of leftovers to nibble on.  I love that they help me stay out of the gluten-filled, tempting treats friends and neighbors have brought by lately.^^^

Hope you guys have a great rest of your week and get to relax a little before Christmas.  I still have some last minute shopping to do and then hopefully I can relax after that. :)  
-What's your favorite meal you've been eating lately?


  1. I've seen that dressing and have been wanting to try it! Thanks for the review!

  2. That pizza you had looks delicious! As did that cookie :)

    I've been loving 2 ingredient pancakes with banana and an egg lately and cauliflower crust pizza too.

    1. Oh yum, that sounds really good Jan! Do you have a recipe?

  3. Of course all your meals sound delicious, but the real show stopper is the homemade pizza. It looks so ooey & gooey! I basically want to dive head first into it :) lol

  4. Haha, thanks Jessie! Homemade pizza is one of our favorite dinners for sure :)

  5. I've been into sauteing kale and chicken sausage. It makes for the perfect dinner! Those cookies look so tasty though, I might have to whip some up :)

    1. Oooh that sounds really good! I'll have to try that :)

  6. I spy lots of salads, and they all look so good! Poppyseed dressing, eh? Sounds interesting...I don't know if I've ever seen that (or maybe I just haven't been looking). Also--so jealous you get 3 weeks off. Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks Erin! Yeah, I know poppyseed dressing sounds a little weird but it's SO good! :)

  7. That dressing sounds amazing... and those cookies... YUP, also look amazing.

  8. Going to try adding quinoa to some of my salads- have been meaning to do this for ages, and completely forgot I had a whole untouched packet lying somewhere in the back of one of my kitchen cupboards. :-)


    1. Quinoa is great for salads!! I'm going to try making some one pot quinoa dishes so stay tuned for recipes :)
