Sunday, March 2, 2014

3/2 Weekly Meal and Fitness Plan

Today has been one of those days when the weather makes me want to just curl up with a blanket and good book in my bed all day.  It's been cold, rainy and windy all day here (I seriously can't wait for summer!).  When the weather is like this, planning ahead really helps me to stay on track with being healthy.  Scott and I are also trying to be better at clean eating.  We've always stuck to pretty healthy meals overall but lately, we've been eating more snacks and processed food during the day.  We've noticed that we've had less energy and haven't been as active.  We're going to be doing a clean eating challenge together this month.  Today I started planning ahead for my first week of completely clean dinners.

Meal Plan:

I hang this menu bored on my fridge.  I love it because it helps me stay
organized with meal planning and it helps my hubby know what's planned for dinner
so he can start it if he gets home before me. ;) 

Monday:  Peach Balsamic Chicken (I know I spelled it wrong on my menu board.  Oops!)  I love this recipe- it's one of those recipes that is really simple to make but tastes like it came out of a restaurant.  I'll post the recipe soon for everyone.  

Tuesday:  Tilapia (I'll probably sauté it in a pan with a little olive oil and this seasoning.  I know it's for chicken but it's so good on tilapia.)

Wednesday:  Chicken Potato Bake (This looks like such a yummy clean recipe!  I can't wait to try it.)

Thursday:  Lemon Ricotta Scallops with brown rice pasta

Friday:  Oven Baked Chicken Fajitas (Thank you Pinterest for all of these awesome recipes!)

Saturday:  Grilled Jerk Shrimp

Fitness Plan:
Monday:  3 mile run followed by this  30 min. pilates workout

Tuesday:  Strength training- arms and abs

Wednesday:  3 mile run and my favorite ab workout (I highly recommend fitness blender workouts if you're looking for a free at home training program.  They are certified personal trainers and they have a huge variety of workouts.  I really love that the workouts are to the point and not gimmicky.) 

Thursday:  Strength training- glutes and legs

Friday:  Rest day

Saturday:  Run and play sports with Scott

Sunday:  Rest day

-Do you have any yummy recipes or fun workouts planned for this week?  Share in the comments below.  I always love new ideas and support. :) 


  1. Looks like a fantastic week worth of meals and workouts - especially what you have planned to eat on Thursday. You mentioned snacking on processed food, how about freezing some grapes and eating them when your cravin something sweet? :)

    1. Thanks Jessie! I've never made it before but I'll make sure I share it if it's good. That's a great idea :) We were eating a lot of tortilla chips and fruit snacks so that would be a perfect replacement.

  2. Ok that peach balsamic chicken sounds soooo good! Can't wait for that recipe!

    1. Thanks Lexie! Hoping to post it tomorrow :)

  3. So glad you posted the chicken fajitas recipes! I was just trying to figure out what to do with all the chicken breast in my fridge...perfect!

    1. Doesn't that look so good?! I was really excited when I found that on Pinterest. Let me know what you think! :)

  4. I love your menu board. I do this with sticky notes but a dry erase board would be "green" to remind me of which veggies and fruits need to be eaten with a general idea of how I plan to use them. I think I'll make a note of my fitness goals on the refrig too for more inspiration. Thanks for the idea.
    Be well, Tracey@whatsfordinnerdoc

    1. Thanks Tracey!! That's a great idea to track your fitness goals on the fridge too to remind yourself. :)
