Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekend Ramblings: I'm Back!

Hi everyone!  I can't believe it's been over a month since I've posted on this blog.  I've been really busy lately with work and it's forced me to go on a little blogging hiatus for a while.  (For those of you who don't know, I work as a special education teacher assistant and I recently took on a second job as a child development specialist.  Work and life has been keeping me very busy.)  A few weeks ago I thought I might have to give up this blog all together because I just didn't have the time to keep it up.  Then I started getting emails from readers asking why I haven't been posting and encouragement to keep writing future posts.  I also received emails from sponsors about future opportunities for my blog.  All of the love and support I've been getting has motivated me to keep writing and to make time for blogging.  I really do love blogging as a hobby and I'm excited to start sharing recipes, workouts, and healthy living tips with all of you again.

One of the exciting emails I got while I was taking a break from blogging was from Laura Williams, the creator of Girls Gone Sporty to tell me that I have been accepted as an ambassador for their website!  As an ambassador I will be given the opportunity to be a guest writer on their website, do giveaways and reviews for sponsors, and network with other ambassadors.  I'm so excited and hopefully I'll be able to do some reviews and giveaways for all of you soon!

Over the last few weeks, Scott and I have also decided it's time for a lifestyle change.  We've always been pretty healthy as a couple but lately we've been eating more processed food and have been less active than we usually are when the weather is warm.  For the month of March we're going to do a 30 day clean eating challenge together.   A clean diet is sticking to whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.  We're cutting out all processed food and refined sugar.  Today we cleaned out our pantry and fridge and did a "clean eating haul" to stock up on fresh produce.  I'll be sharing more details about our challenge and recipes with you all on the blog over the next month.  

I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend!

-Do you eat a "clean diet" or have you ever tried it?
-What are your favorite websites and recipes for clean eating? 


  1. I am trying to eat clean lately. I have even gone so far as transitioning into a vegetarian (we'll see how that works). I'm looking forward to seeing some of your clean eating recipes. I can definitely use a few of those. Pinterest is my favorite websites for clean recipes.

    1. I've thought about transitioning to vegetarian too but my husband could never give up meat. lol I love PInterest too; it's helped me find a lot of other healthy living blogs that I love.
