Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Sunday

I hope everyone had a happy Easter Sunday!  Easter one of my favorite holidays!  I just love this time of year so much.  Our Easter started out with going to church, where I got to speak in sacrament meeting about Christ's Atonement and Resurrection.  I loved learning more about Christ's life and atoning sacrifice for me.  I'm so grateful for Him and the hope that the Atonement gives me.  He died for my sins so that I can be forgiven and return to live with Him someday.  I'm glad that we were able to start our day off remembering the true meaning of Easter.

After church, Scott surprised me (and made me feel like a little kid) by hiding eggs around the apartment and filling my Easter basket from when I was a kid with my favorite candy. 

On the hunt for eggs around the apartment

My favorite Sees chocolate

My Easter basket that he surprised me with

After that, we went to my sister's house for some family time and yummy Easter dinner.  We had the best ham, potluck potatoes, cheddar bay biscuits and salad.   

 We finished it off with Lisa's homemade creme brulee for dessert.  It was such a happy Easter Sunday!  Now I'm ready for Spring to start.

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