Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Still Here!

It's been so long since I've posted on this blog!  April's been a busy and fun-filled month for us and I just haven't felt like had time to blog lately.  Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to lately.  

We've spent lots of time with my family lately.  I took my 3 year old niece, Addy to get pedicures with my sister.  She had so much fun and kept jumping up and down yelling "I'm so ecited" when we were picking out our nail polish.
We also celebrated my Dad's 65th birthday by having a family dinner; complete with my mom's famous lemon meringue pie.

Scott and I celebrated 2 years of marriage by going on a weekend trip to Utah.  We visited family, went shopping in Park City, ate lots of yummy food and went to the temple where we were sealed 2 years ago.  It was such a fun, relaxing way to celebrate our anniversary.  

The week after that, we went to San Francisco for the weekend for my cousin's wedding.  I wish I had taken my camera to the wedding but I forgot it at the hotel. :( It was the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to!  Once I get the pictures from my mom I'll post some on here.  Luckily, I did remember my  camera when we went to the Giants game after the wedding.   

Giants stadium will always be special to me because I grew up going to games there with my dad and brother.  It was fun to go back with my family and show Scott one of my favorite things about San Francisco.  We were standing row only so we spent the whole day walking around the park and eating lots of food.

April's been a great month for us.  Hopefully next month will be even better and I'll make more time for blogging.  

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