Monday, June 10, 2013

Lake Day/ Birthday Round 2

For the last 5 years all I've wanted to do for my birthday is go jet skiing at the lake with my family.  Until now, I haven't been able to because I've been going to school during summer semester.  This year I told my family that was the one thing I really wanted to do; so we loaded up the jet ski and headed to the lake on Saturday.  I didn't take any pictures at the lake because I was afraid of getting sand in my camera (it's happened before) but we had so much fun!  The weather was perfect and Scott and I got to take the jet ski out a lot.  Scott says I always get "crazy eyes" when I drive the jet ski and my daredevil side comes out.  haha  What can I say?  It's a lot more fun when you're trying to throw people off while you're driving.

Getting ready to head out to the lake
Family backyard BBQ
Make a wish!!
It was such a fun day at the lake with family!  I'm so happy it's summer so we can go back on the weekends!

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