Monday, June 10, 2013


Last week I celebrated my 24th bday! (I know right, I'm getting so old!) I had to work on my birthday but my boss let me off at 3, so that was nice.  I went shopping until Scott came home and then he took me to a fancy Italian restaurant called Johnny's.  We both got chicken dishes that we couldn't pronounce (this place is legit Italian) and it was SO good!

This was the best picture we got at Johnny's 
After dinner, we came back to our apartment and had ice cream pie with my family.  We had strawberry and moose tracks pie, which is my favorite! (I'm not a big cake person and neither is Scott, so we do pies for birthdays around here)

After that it was time for presents!  Scott surprised me with a ukulele that I've been wanting from guitar center.  I was SO excited when I opened it!!  I love playing it- I've already learned to play "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".  He also got me 3 of my favorite movies and hid them in random places during the day so I would find them.

It was the perfect day with family!  24 is going to be a great year! :)

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