Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wounds from the Weekend

*Sorry if this post is a little too gory for some of you!  If it is, I totally understand if you want to skip reading and come back when I have happier things to talk about like conference and apple hill :)

It's been a crazy weekend in the Anderson home.  We had plans to go to Apple Hill and pick apples this weekend.  I was so excited when 5:00 rolled around and it was time to end the work week and go have some fun with Scott.  Unfortunately, my plans didn't go the way I had hoped they would....

I picked up a second job a few weeks ago as a nanny/tutor after school.  Friday when I was playing with them outside, the boy decided to swing a golf club (a driver!) without any warning when I was standing right next to him.  The club smacked right into the side of my head!  My ears started ringing, everything went black, and the next thing I knew I was waking up on the ground with blood gushing from my head.  I started freaking out and screaming hysterically (probably not the best reaction but hey, I was in shock).  I feel really bad because the lady I work for called Scott to come pick me up and all he could hear was me crying and screaming in the background; he was pretty freaked out.  He works 10 minutes away and was able to pick me up and take me to the urgent care.  Once we got there, I found out I had a concussion, needed 4 stitches, and a tetanus shot (I hate needles and blood so needless to say this was not a fun experience for me)

More battle wounds- nannying is a dangerous job
Luckily, they were able to stitch everything up and I'm back on the mend.  Moral of the story: board games are the way to go because kids can turn anything into a weapon.  (Or maybe it's don't take anymore nanny jobs from don't seem to work out too well for me. ;) )


  1. Oh geez Christie!! I hope you're going to be ok!! Hazards of the field we work in...

  2. Thanks Camille! Yeah for sure; kids are crazy!
