Sunday, October 6, 2013

Conference Weekend

First off, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been there for me since I was hurt last week.  So many friends and family have called or stopped by and I really appreciated it.  I've felt all your prayers and I'm doing much better now.  The doctor took out my stitches and my head is healing.  As far as my concussion goes, the doctor says I have "post concussive syndrome" which basically means I can have symptoms of concussion for months (that means migraines, dizziness, and memory loss).  At least I can function though and I'm going back to work tomorrow.  I can't wait to get back to the gym and running too! 

I've been resting all week and this relaxing general conference weekend has helped me to rest even more.  I love conference (it comes twice a year and is a time when the members of our church listen to the prophet and apostles speak).  This particular conference has been so inspiring and uplifting for me. I especially loved President Monson's talk during the Sunday morning session.  One of the themes of his talk that stood out to me was that through our trials in life the heavenly virtue of patience is required.  We need to have patience and the Lord will always be with us through adversity and trials.  This is something I've been learning through my trials lately and am still working on in life.  I hope you all had a relaxing, uplifting weekend too.  If you're watching conference, what was your favorite talk?

Scott brought our mattress out into the living room so I could rest and watch conference on the laptop 

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