Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog Makeover

Happy Tuesday!!
For those of you who follow this blog you're going to be noticing some big changes around here!  I've decided to turn my blog into a "healthy lifestyle" blog.  I will still be blogging about my life and marriage but will mostly have posts about health, fitness, gluten free living, and healthy recipes.  I'm still figuring out the title, layout and look of my blog so stay tuned for the finished product!
In the mean time, here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately:

^^Halloween costume thrift shopping with my friend Caitlyn, exploring downtown Portland, the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen on the coast of Washington, wish I could braid my hair like this by myself^^

^^Our favorite date night:  cheddar bay biscuits at Red Lobster and browsing books at Barnes and Noble (found out I get a 25% discount now just for being a teacher!!  This job has it's perks.) ^^

^^Pumpkin pie cheesecake and girl time with my bestie, brainstorming new blog ideas, annual pumpkin carving with friends, the most beautiful fall day at the pumpkin patch with our class for a field trip^^

(PS- if you have any input for me about my blog title please send me an email or post your ideas in the comments.  So far I've narrowed it down to The Lovely Lemon, Laughing Lemon, Pretty Pineapple, and Girl Without Gluten, but if you have any other suggestions for me please share!)

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