Friday, October 18, 2013

Apple Hill Weekend

It's no secret that I absolutely love Fall.  Everything about the colors, the food, and the crisp air just makes me happy.  For Scott and me, it's not Fall without a trip to the apple orchards in Camino, California (and a little football of course).  Camino is a charming little farming town made up of about 60 different apple orchards, pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms.  The beautiful rolling hills and cute farm cottages make me feel like I just stepped into a Thomas Kinkade painting (he actually grew up right outside of Camino!).  Unfortunately, we got to the orchards a little late and didn't have time to fit in apple picking and tasting all the yummy treats at the bakeries before they closed.  We decided to go with our stomachs and made it a day that was all about the food.

We started out at our favorite orchard called Apple Ridge Farms.  They have the most amazing apple pie that we have ever tasted!  The apples are always fresh and crisp and the topping is always made with the perfect blend of buttery, sugary deliciousness.  My mouth was watering as I stood in line waiting to order.  We decided to go with the dutch apple pie, caramel apple, and bbq tri-tip sandwich for lunch. 

There's nothing wrong with eating straight out of the pie right? ;) (For those of you who are wondering, I can eat a little gluten now and then.  I get sick if I eat too much, so I save indulging for delicious things like Apple Hill pie)
He was so excited to get his caramel apple and I have to say, it was the best one I've ever tasted
The tri-tip was also very tasty, although Scott says it's nothing like what you can find in Kansas (where he's from)
On our way home, we stopped in Sacramento for some Mediterranean food (our favorite!).  We both got chicken kabobs with basmati rice, grilled vegetables, pita bread and hummus.  Needless to say, our tummies were very happy at the end of the day.  It was such a fun Fall day with my best friend.
*Random story:  On our way out of the restaurant a homeless man stopped me.  I usually give homeless people money when I can but this time I was caught off guard:

Homeless guy:  "Hey, you gonna eat that?"
Me:  "Well...I was going to take it home.  Why are you hungry?"
Homeless guy:  "Yeah...."  The man looked at me like "Of course I'm hungry you dumb blonde, why else would I ask?" haha I gave it to him and made sure to tell him it was chicken kabobs with rice.  Scott is still making fun of me. :) 

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