Friday, November 15, 2013

Five Things Friday

Today I'm starting a new series of posts called"Five Things Friday" and linking up with one of my favorite blogs Fitting It All In.  I love reading her posts on Fridays because it's a fun recap of the week and a great way to get ideas for new workouts/recipes.

5 Things On the Menu This Week:
Monday:  Chile Verde Chicken Enchiladas (We seriously eat these at least once a week!)

Tuesday:  Leftover Enchiladas

Wednesday:  Tuna Salad for me, pasta for Scott

Thursday:  I wasn't in the mood to cook so we got chinese food.  I got the cashew chicken and Scott got pineapple fried rice.  I'm almost 100% sure none of it was gluten free, so hopefully I'm not sick tomorrow.  I'm still working on my discipline when eating out.  

Friday:  Today I'm making gluten free crock pot lasagna!  I'll make sure to post the recipe soon because it is amazing!

5 Workouts

Monday:  4 mile run (enjoying the nice weather while it lasts)

Tuesday:  HIIT on the elliptical for 30 minutes and 10 minutes of abs

Wednesday:  Lifted weights (lots of squats and lunges)

Thursday:  Rest day

Friday:  HIIT run outside

5 Things That Made Me Happy

1.  The love note from Scott I found hidden in my scriptures (he always makes me smile)

2.  The fact that it's still fall around here- the sun is shining and there are still a few fall leaves on the ground

3.  The adorable kids in my preschool class who say such funny things everyday.  There's one girl who calls me "Miss Tristie", she is SO cute!  

4.  Meeting new bloggers and growing my blog.  I can't believe I've only had this "healthy living" blog for 3 weeks and have already discovered so many other blogs that help me to want to live a healthier life.  

5.  Delicious gluten free chocolate chip cookies that I ate while babysitting at my sister's house this week.  (Thanks for sharing Lisa!)

Your turn!  What's making you smile this week?  


  1. The crockpot lasagna sounds delicious. My Scott loves lasagna, but I've never made it. I think a crockpot version might be the call.

    1. I had never made lasagna before always sounded like way too much work! This one is so easy though. You just throw all the ingredients in and press start (my kind of cooking!) I'll post the recipe next week so make sure to check back for it. (It calls for ground beef but you could make a vegetarian version too that would still taste great)

  2. Those enchiladas look amazing- I'll have to make them soon! Also, I love when my husband leaves me little notes. It makes my day!

    1. Thank you, let me know what you think. I love it too, it's amazing how such simple things can make you happy.

  3. I'm a fan of notes from my fiance' as well! I'm glad I found your blog. I can't wait to read more of it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love finding notes and leaving them for him to find throughout the day too. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Elise! They're a favorite for dinner and leftovers around here. :)
