Thursday, November 14, 2013

Should You Eat Gluten Free?

One of the most common responses I get from people when I tell them I can't eat gluten is, "I've thought about eating gluten free but I'm not sure if I really need to."  A lot of people also tell me that they have a few of the celiac disease symptoms but they're too scared to get tested because they love bread too much.  I honestly can't blame these people; bread is really good.  But if you're having any signs of celiac or gluten intolerance/sensitivity it's important that you get tested so that you don't cause more damage and inflammation to your small intestine.  (Read more about celiac disease and gluten sensitivity here)

What are the symptoms of Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance?
The signs and symptoms of celiac disease and gluten intolerance can vary with each person.  Symptoms can include (but aren't limited to):

Digestive Symptoms
Abdominal cramping or discomfort
Frequent bloating or gas
Daily diarrhea or constipation
Diagnosed with IBS 
Acid Reflux or heartburn

Hormonal & Immune Symptoms
Diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma, or multiple Sclerosis
Mood issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings, and ADD
Hormonal imbalances such as PMS, PCOS or unexplained infertility 
Chronic skin conditions such as eczema or acne

Neurological or Skeletal Symptoms
Headaches or migraines
Fatigue or brain fog after eating a meal that contains gluten
Tingling in the feet and hands, dizziness or loss of balance
Joint Pain
Damage to dental enamel

A Quick Self Check

Look over the symptoms of celiac/gluten intolerance listed above.  Write down any of the symptoms that you may have.  If you have 4 or more symptoms, this might be an indication that gluten is making you sick. (I had at least 9 of them when I was sick!)  This test is obviously not a diagnosis but it can help you to become aware of your symptoms and help to lead you in the right direction.

I have the Symptoms....Now What?
Sadly, there isn't one, straightforward way to diagnose celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.  The first step is always to go to your doctor and explain the symptoms you've been having in order to get a diagnosis.  You have to be careful though because celiac is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases.  Make sure you do your research on doctors before you go to make sure they have experience with gluten related disorders.  Once you go, your doctor will usually test you by doing a blood test, endoscopy, colonoscopy, or stool test to check for high levels of antibodies associated with your body's reaction to gluten.  I know, they're not the most fun tests to take (I've had all of them done...yuck) but it's worth it in the end to know if you have celiac disease.
(*Warning:  You need to be eating gluten for these tests to work, so you usually can't go gluten free until after you've been diagnosed.)

If you are diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease I know it's easy to get discouraged at first but there is hope!  Take your time trying out different gluten free products to see which ones you like the best.  I will do my best to offer resources on this blog to help you as you're starting out on the gluten free diet.  

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