Monday, December 9, 2013

5-4-3-2-1 At Home Workout

Hi everyone!  Hope you're all having a great Monday so far.  This weekend I started round 2 of Elle and Lindsay's Elf For Health challenge.  If you haven't heard of it yet, you should definitely check it out and sign up!  Today's challenge is to do a circuit workout.  I did my Kaia Fit workout this morning but I also wanted to share a circuit workout with you guys that you can do at home.  I found this 5-4-3-2-1 workout on Pinterest and decided to do my own version of it.  I love circuit and interval training because I tend to get "workout ADD" and need something to keep me going.  This is a full body circuit that will tone your booty, arms, abs and give you a cardio workout at the same time.  It does require dumbbells but if you don't have any you can replace the dumbbell rows with tricep pushups.

This workout will definitely give you a good sweat and is a great way to get a quick, full body workout.  If you have any questions about how to do any of the exercises or need modifications please feel free to contact me.  

-Are you an Elf For Health?  If so, what did you do for your circuit workout?
-Do you like interval/circuit training or regular cardio better?  


  1. I too have exercise ADD! ;) I love circuit and interval training! I like running but in the winter don't do it as much so it's nice to get cardio in another way.

    1. I'm the same way. I love running but don't like to run when it's cold and icy outside.

  2. What a great workout! With all the snow, sometimes it's hard for me to get to the gym, but this workout looks like it's easy-peasy. Can't wait wait to try it!

    1. Yeah, me too! You can do this gym in your living room though so it makes it easier.

  3. Circuit workouts are the best, burn more calories and less boredom. WIN WIN

  4. Oh man I am all about at home workouts! This is awesome! Thanks for sharing! New follower!:)

    1. Oh me too! So much better when it's cold out just to workout at home. Thanks for following :)

  5. Ohhh I like that workout!! 1 min of high knees literally makes me tired to think about hahha especially multiple times! But I'm always game for any workout that can be done at home, especially in the wintertime.

    1. Haha yeah I know what you mean but it really does go by faster than you think. If you don't like that exercise you could always change it up each round with some other type of cardio exercise. You could do burpees, boxer shuffle, or jump rope too :)

  6. Circuit workouts have been one of my favorites for quite some type. I love the fact that because of their quickness you rarely have time to get bored. =)

    1. I completely agree. Makes the time go faster and you get better results.

  7. This is really good but is it good. But I have high blood pressure. Is it good for me?

    1. If you have high blood pressure or any other health issues I would suggest talking with your doctor before trying any new workout. I have studied a lot about exercise and consulted with trainers but am not certified myself. Thanks for reading!

  8. What is the rest period after each minute?

    1. Hello, sorry I forgot to put the rest time in there and that's really important; thank you for pointing it out. Actively rest for 20 seconds after each minute (step side to side or slowly jog in place). Actively rest for 1 minute between each set. This allows your heart rate to slow down and then come back up for the next set, creating an interval workout that blasts calories. Let me know if you have any other questions.
