Monday, January 20, 2014

1/20 Weekly Meal and Fitness Plan

Happy Monday everyone!  Do any of you get the day off of work today?  If you do, hope you have a relaxing 3 day weekend!  I was going to have today off but I got called into work at my second job.  At least I only have to work a few hours though.  Since starting my second job, I've had a difficult time getting back into a good workout routine and finding the motivation to exercise in the mornings.  Planning out my meal plans and workout schedule really helps me to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle.  Here's my meal and fitness plan for this week.  

Meal Plan:

Monday:  Honey Lime Shrimp with Jasmine rice (I make this recipe a lot because it's so quick, easy, and delicious!)

Tuesday:  Baked Cornflake Chicken with sweet potato fries (I'll post a recipe this week)

Wednesday:  Mexican Tilapia (pour salsa over tilapia, sprinkle with a little cheese and bake at 350 for 20 minutes) with roasted veggies

Thursday:  Gluten Free Crockpot Lasagna (one of my favorites and it's SO easy!)

Friday:  Chicken Tacos and salad

Saturday:  Date night :)

Sunday:  Breakfast for dinner

Fitness Plan:

Monday:  Trail HIIT Run (We have had freakishly warm weather here for January!  It's supposed to be 57 degrees today and it's usually freezing with lots of snow this time of year.  I'm not complaining though, I'll take the warm over the cold any day.)

Tuesday:  HIIT Cardio and Abs Workout (I discovered Fitness Blender videos recently and am obsessed!  They are free and always give me a great workout.)

Wednesday:  30 minute elliptical, 30 minute weight training

Thursday:  Another fitness blender workout

Friday:  rest day

Saturday:  Play sports with Scott (usually we play basketball, tennis, or ultimate frisbee with friends)

Hope you all have a great week!  
-What are your fitness or meal plans for the week?  
-Have you found any online workout programs you like to use?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Liz! Planning always helps me stay on track.

  2. That shrimp sounds delicious! I am so intrigued by that Crock Pot Lasagne too. I've been meaning to buy a slow cooker / crock pot for ages but haven't got around to it.

    I'm trying to do more meal planning and I find it saves so much money when I do.

    1. Thanks Jan! You should definitely buy a crock pot! Mine saves me so much time and energy!

  3. Your tilapia dish sounds delicious & SO simple. I wish I would've seen this yesterday before I prepared Joshua's tilapia mozzarela cheese style - just sprinkled w/ basil & mozz. cheese.

    Have a fabulous rest of your day <3

    1. Thanks Jessie! Ooh, mozzarella cheese tilapia sounds really good too! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  4. I bookmarked that site because I'm always looking for free or cheap home workouts! Looks like a good one to try. I use Nike Training Club and Gain Fitness a lot when I work out from home. I need to mix it up more.

    1. It's a really good one! I'm always sweating like crazy by the end and I've seen results. I'll have to try those ones too! I need to mix it up too or I get bored.

  5. Meal planning and workout planning is seriously necessary! I mean, I think so (biggest planner ever). Honey lime shrimp--ooomg sounds so good!

    1. It definitely is necessary! If I don't do it, I procrastinate or sleep in instead of working out.

  6. Agreed! I find it difficult to fit working out into my routine due to multiple sources of work as well! & when I do actually have free time, I'm exhausted. Working out is the last thing on my mind. But, I do need to make more of an effort. I lost 20 pounds this past year & have been able to maintain, but I would love to be more tone. What motivates you?

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

    1. Wow, that's very impressive that you lost 20 pounds and have been able to maintain it! Great job! Lately, I've been motivating myself by mixing up my workouts so that I don't get bored and have something to look forward to. I try to find workouts that are fun for me like zumba and running.

  7. Your meal plan looks delish! I definitely eat much healthier when I plan my week. It's amazing how a little bit of time spent up front can make such a big difference for the rest of the week. ~Ree

    1. Thanks Ree! I do too! Meal planning makes such a big difference when it comes to eating healthy.

  8. Being that you are one of my favorite blogs to follow, I nominated you!

    1. Aww thank you McCall! That's so sweet of you! I feel bad that I haven't been blogging lately but I'm going to get back to it this week. I love your blog too! :)
