Sunday, January 19, 2014

Finding Balance

Hi friends!  It has definitely been way too long since I've posted on this blog!  A lot of exciting things have been going on in my life right now and it's been keeping me busy.  Over Christmas break I spent a lot of time with Scott, my family, and friends.  We went on a fun family trip to Utah and I got to see my big sister who lives there.  I had a lot of fun but I was away from my laptop for a while and didn't have time to blog.  Now that I'm back to work and the real world I've been having a hard time finding balance in my life again.  I took on a second job this week and have been trying so hard to wake up early to exercise before work.  I really admire people who have the discipline to do that consistently; it's always so much easier for me to choose sleep in the mornings over exercise.  Hopefully this week I'll find the balance between work, exercise, hobbies, and time with my hubby.  For those of you who work full time, how do you find the energy to exercise and find time for all the other things you love? Hopefully I'll find balance and figure out a routine soon.  In the mean time, auto-post is my new best friend. :)

And because it's been almost 3 weeks since I've updated this blog, here are few pictures of life lately:

^^^The best ice cream with my family in Utah, more ice cream for my niece on our road trip, my cute niece Dakota on her baptism day, and surprise I'M PREGNANT! (JK, just seeing if you guys are paying attention.  I got to go to my sister's ultrasound and found out she's having a girl.)^^^

^^^New running clothes to help motivate me to train for my half marathon, plant fusion smoothie samples that I LOVE (look for a giveaway sometime this week), joined a bunco (it's a fun dice game) group with my friends this week, shopping with my nieces and nephews made me really appreciate moms who go shopping with their kids^^^

Hope you all have a great week!  Please comment below if you have any tips for me when it comes to waking up early to exercise before work; I'd love to hear them!


  1. welcome back! For me juggling all things can be a challenge but I find it's so much more bearable if I have a plan!

    1. Thanks Elise! Yeah that's true. I've been utilizing lists lately. I can't believe you're a full-time accountant and still have time to blog everyday too!

  2. I thought you were serious when you said you were pregnant! And new running clothes are always awesome!

    1. Haha, nope! Maybe in the next little while though (we'll see). I know, there's something about new workout clothes that always motivates me.

  3. Balance is a hard thing to learn, and I struggle with it a lot. As a woman working full time, you have to wear lots of hats. Some of the hats I've abdicated to others - I initially felt so guilty getting a cleaning lady to come in once a month, until I realized she does a better job than I ever would faster and more efficiently than I could. I also make it a point to leave work at a reasonable hour, because there's always more work I COULD do.

    1. That's very true; it's important to learn to delegate so that you don't spread yourself too thin.

  4. Oh man I really wish I had some advice for getting up early but I struggle with that too. Actually not getting up early, but exercising early. Luckily being a freelancer gives me some flexibility of when I can workout. Congrats on being an Aunt! I hope you find some balance soon. I've been struggling with that in Jan too. :(

    1. Thanks Tonya! I've been slowly starting to find balance again. January is usually a hard month to get back into a healthy routine.
