Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

Hi friends!  I hope all of you have had a fabulous Christmas/holiday season so far.  Scott and I have been having lots of fun with friends and family over the past few weeks.  Even though we hate the cold and winter, we LOVE Christmas!  We always go all out with decorating and keeping fun family traditions going; this year was no exception.
The week before Christmas our friends hosted an "ugly sweater/white elephant" party.  We had so much fun laughing at the crazy presents and ugly sweaters.  I love all of the friends we've met over the past two years, since moving to Reno.  

My sister hosted her annual Christmas Eve dinner with my family at her house.  We had the most amazing prime rib, spiced carrots and green bean casserole.  We gave presents to my nieces and nephew, along with a coupon for a "fun day with Aunt Christie".  I told them I'd take them each to do anything they want.  My youngest niece was so cute and told me all she wants to do is have a picnic in the living room with me.  She melts my heart.  
On Christmas morning Scott and I spent the morning together in our little apartment opening presents and making breakfast.  Our big present this year was a new Canon T5 camera!!  I can't wait to start learning more about photography and taking pictures for my blog.  After presents we skyped with Scott's family (they live in Kansas).  Hopefully we'll be able to have Christmas with them next year.  It was the perfect day with the people I love the most.

How was your Christmas/holiday season?  
Do you have any fun traditions with your friends and family? 

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