Sunday, December 28, 2014

Gluten Free Bread Crumbs

Since going on a gluten free diet I've struggled with finding ways to replace recipes that call for bread crumbs.  They aren't easy to find in the grocery stores here and when I do find them they're usually really expensive.  In the past I've just left the bread crumbs out but the recipes never taste as good without the tasty crunch.  This weekend I really wanted to make chicken cordon bleu and decided to experiment with making my own gluten free bread crumbs.  I reached into my pantry and decided to try using "Gluten Rice Krispies" in my food processor.  The result was this super easy and perfect bread crumb recipe.  Try these in your next recipe and trust me, no one will know they're gluten free.

Regular Bread Crumbs:
Blend 1-2 cups Gluten Free Rice Krispes cereal in a food processor for about 2 minutes, or until fine.  If you don't have a food processor you can also try putting them in a zip-lock bag and crunching them with your fingers or rolling pin.  Use the bread crumbs right away in your favorite recipe or store in a tight container.

Italian Seasoned Bread Crumbs:
Follow same instructions for regular bread crumbs but add 1-2 tsp garlic salt and 1-2 tsp Italian seasoning (depending on amount of cereal).  Blend together in food processor until completely blended.

*You can also use Rice Chex cereal if you can't find gluten free Rice Krispies
Make sure to buy the Gluten Free Rice Krispies (the box in this picture is not
and it's easy to get them confused).

What's your favorite dish that calls for bread crumbs?

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