Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekend Ramblings: Overcoming Fears

I have an embarrassing confession to make: I am terrified of ice skating.  I'm not really sure why; I love watching other people ice skate.  I just have this irrational fear of falling on my face and having someone run over me with their sharp, pointy ice skates.  Weird, I know.  I'm not really a fan of the cold or ice either so that doesn't help.  Scott has been trying to get me to go with him every winter since we first met 6 years ago and I always find an excuse to not go.  This weekend when we were staying with Scott's brother and sister-in-law they invited us to go ice skating in downtown Salt Lake and I thought I'd finally give it another shot.  (It's been about 8 years since I last went)

When we first got to the rink I immediately wanted to just stay in my comfort zone and hang out by the warm fire pit with a cup of hot chocolate.  I offered to just hang out and take pictures but Scott coaxed me out onto the ice and assured me it would be fun.  He helped me as I shuffled along the outside of the rink, holding onto the rail the whole time.  At first, I hated it and was definitely not having fun shuffling along the ice.
I tried to smile and hide the fear in my face but it still came through in this picture haha

After a while though, I started to get a little more confident and actually came away from the wall (holding Scott's hand the whole time of course).  Once I got the hang of it and I saw people fall without getting hurt it helped me loosen up a little bit.  I let go of my fear and started having more fun with it.  By the end I even tried skating on my own without holding onto Scott or the wall.  I'm still terrible at ice skating but I'm proud of myself for trying something I was scared to do.  I really did have fun by the end and I even got to relax by the fire pit with my hot chocolate when we were done, which made me really happy.

After ice skating, we walked around temple square and looked at the beautiful Christmas lights.  If you ever get a chance to go see them you definitely should!  They light the whole square and have live nativity scenes.  It really helped me get into the "Christmas spirit".  

After the lights, we went to a multi-faith Christmas concert.  The concert was so beautiful and it was fun to hear choirs from lots of different faiths.  My favorite performer was Kevin Olusola (from the acapella group Pentatonix).  He created a new genre called "cello beat boxing" where he plays cello and beat-boxes at the same time!  Here's the video of the song he performed live.  

After this weekend I am definitely ready for Christmas.  Time to break out the Christmas decorations and decorate the tree.  Hope you all had a fun-filled holiday weekend too.  

*All of these pictures were taken by my sister-in-law, Mandy 

-Do you like ice skating?
-What do you do to to get in the Christmas spirit?  


  1. Yay I'm glad you tried something new!! I'm so bad at ice skating but I think it's probably because I never go, so when I do it's like I have to re-learn all over again. The good thing is that there's always a good amount of people holding onto the wall so you don't feel alone haha

    1. I think that's why I'm so bad at it too. If I practiced maybe I'd like it better. Haha, yeah that's true...although when we went most of them were little kids. :)

  2. I love ice skating but never got good at it. Growing up in Michigan, every little girl seemed to be in the ice skating program except for me. I was always insanely jealous. Glad you gave it a try again. I don't have a lot of Christmas spirit, but I do like pretty lights and candles.

    1. My sister was in an ice skating program too and she's so good at ice skating now (makes me feel kind of lame when I'm holding onto the rail lol). Pretty lights and candles are always fun this time of year. I love to put candles in the window with lights around them on the outside.

  3. You look so cute! I would try ice skating again but it's not something I love or think about a lot. I am totally not attractive out on the ice that's all I will say about that. ;) Glad you stepped out of your comfort zone!

    1. Thanks Dana! That's how I've always felt too but once I tried it again it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. :)

  4. Wow! That cello playing is amazing. I have never really heard anything like it. I'll have to show my husband this as he is so into live, different music. Just beautiful.
    So glad you were able to conquer your fear and get out on the ice!! You looked great doing it once the fear left your face:-)

    1. He is amazing! He was even better live. Thank you, it was a lot more fun once I let it go.
