Monday, November 11, 2013

Workout of the Week #1: HIIT Cardio Workout

Don't get me wrong, I love to workout but sometimes I just don't have the time.  Life can get crazy and between work, cooking, grocery shopping and spending time with my hubby exercise sometimes falls off my priority list.  If you're like me, you're in luck because today I'm sharing a fat burning workout with you that you can do in HALF the time of your regular cardio workout.  It's called HIIT (high intensity interval training).

What is HIIT?
HIIT is an interval workout where you workout in short bursts of high intensity (usually 30-60 seconds) an follow it with a lower intensity exercise for 30-60 seconds.  This workout is a serious fat burner and will help you to get in shape fast.  I love these workouts because they usually only last 20-30 minutes and can be adapted to your fitness level.

The Workout 
(This one is for running, but you can apply this to any type of cardio you love to do. 
 Ie. swimming, biking, walking, or even the elliptical)
  • Always begin with a warmup- walk briskly or jog for 5 minutes
  • Run as fast as you can for 1 minute (so that you're breathing hard and can't talk)
  • Go easy for 1 minute (run, slow jog, or fast walk)
  • Repeat this 10 times
  • Cool down for 5 minutes (jog or fast walk)
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
There you have it.  30 minutes and you just blasted fat and got your heart pumping in half the time of your regular cardio workout.  Repeat this workout 3 times a week for best results.  HIIT can also be applied to strength training for toning benefits.  I'll be doing a post on HIIT strength training soon, so stay tuned!  

*I am not a certified trainer or fitness expert so please consult a doctor or personal trainer to make sure this workout is right for you.  
*Source:  More information about HIIT along with links to research and studies done on its cardiovascular and muscular benefits here.