Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Love Your Body Challenge

I absolutely love this video of model Robyn Lawley defending her body and standing up for who she is.  I wish I could have seen this when I was 13 and struggling with body image issues.  I love the way she talks about the importance of saying that you love your body everyday.  When you say it out loud you will start to actually love your body and yourself.  This is something that I still struggle with.  I find that it's easy to get caught up comparing myself to pictures of fit, skinny girls on Pinterest or other blogs.  Sometimes that mentality I had when I was 13 starts creeping back into my head and telling me I need to start restricting calories and over exercising.  I don't ever want that mentality to take over my life again.  I want to stay healthy and fit without dieting or stressing about calories.  I'm challenging myself right now to start saying "I love my body" out loud everyday.  Who wants to join me?

Question of the day:  Have you ever struggled with comparing your body to others or with your own body image issues?


  1. I saw this earlier today and loved it! Amen to her! I think or I'd like to believe most girls struggle with body image issues. I wish I could rid those thoughts from mine and everyone else's brains. Why can't we all just love ourselves and each other and just call it a day?? And with that I'm off to join the peace corp lol

    1. Haha I know, I wish I could do that too! We need more people like this to take a stand and help to change the way the world views "the ideal body type". Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

  2. Such a great post. I think every girl goes through a time when they wish they were skinnier, fitter , whatever but we shouldn't be comparing out bodies to supermodels or photo-shopped celebrities. But it is tougher said then done, but I'm working on it!

    -Elise@ 9toFit.com

    1. Thanks Elise! Yes, I completely agree. Much easier said than done, especially in today's society. Hopefully we can all learn to love ourselves for who we are. :)

  3. I am always struggling with my body image. Thanks for your post, out helps to see women who love their bodies. Makes believe that someday I will love mine.

    1. Thanks for reading! Yes, I definitely think we need more women like Robyn to take a stand and say they love the way they look no matter what others say.
