Sunday, November 10, 2013

Weekend Ramblings: Don't Get "Glutened"

A few pictures from our fall walk tonight.  I'm holding onto fall for as long as I can!

Last night Scott and I decided to go to dinner at a local pizza place that makes THE BEST pizza.  Scott was worried about me eating there but I assured him that I would just get a salad and maybe take a couple bites of his pizza.  When we got there, the pizza smelled so good!   I looked over the menu and none of the salads looked appetizing to me so I gave in and ordered the pizza.  I didn't regret my decision at the time and enjoyed every gluten-filled, delicious bite.  Today I regretted it big time.  I woke up groggy with a bloated tummy, headache, and brain fog (I couldn't think clearly at all).  I was "glutened".  I don't know why I let my lack of discipline get the best of me when it makes me feel this sick.  Sometimes I wish I was Celiac so that I didn't even have the option of eating gluten.  Eating out while being gluten free is definitely my weakness.  I feel like I need a support group for people like me who struggle with being disciplined on the gluten free diet.  Anyone want to join me?

Question of the day: Do any of you ever struggle with being disciplined on a gluten free diet?  What are your tips and tricks for eating gluten free when eating out?  

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