Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I can't believe we're celebrating a new year already!  2013 was a great year for us.  It was filled with a lot of change, trials and fun times.  Here's a quick look back at our year in review.  
In January, we celebrated my nieces birthday and started teaching a Sunday school class together at our church for 16 and 17 year olds.  

In February, we celebrated Scott's birthday by seeing Ben Folds perform in Tahoe.  We also went on a fun weekend trip to San Francisco for Valentines day.

In March I made the difficult decision to leave my job as a lead preschool teacher.  I still miss those kids so much but my job was making me really unhappy and it was a positive change for me.  Scott and I also spent most of March competing in "March Madness" and playing basketball together.  

In April, Scott and I celebrated 2 years of marriage by going back to Utah, where we were married.  We also went to San Francisco with my family for my cousin's wedding.  I got to take Scott to his very first Giants (baseball) game with my family.  

In May the weather finally started to warm up and we spent a lot of time having picnics in the park, playing tennis together, and playing lots of basketball outside.  

In June, I turned 24 and Scott surprised me with a brand new ukulele!  We also spent lots of time jet skiing at the lake and paddle boarding in Tahoe.  

In July Scott and I went on a fun trip to the bay area.  We finally learned to surf together and I discovered that surfing is a lot harder than it looks.  We'll definitely be back for more next summer.  

In August we spent a lot of time at the lake.  Scott's brother and wife came to visit us and we took them paddle boarding in Tahoe.  We also went on a fun day trip to San Francisco and I got to show them around my favorite city.  

In September Scott and I went to our favorite event in Reno, the hot air balloon races.  Over 80 hot air balloons launch at the same time and it is something I look forward too every year.  


October is my favorite month so it gets the most pictures.  During October this year we picked apples in the Apple Hill Orchards of Camino, California.  We also carved pumpkins with friends, went to a fun football game, and went for lots of hikes and runs along the river. (I also started this blog in October!  Can't believe it's already been 3 months since then.)

In November we celebrated Thanksgiving in Utah with Scott's family.  We had a fun weekend with them ice skating, shopping, and eating lots of yummy food.  

December came and went so fast this year!  This December we went to the Nutcracker Ballet, made lots of homemade treats for our friends, and had our second Christmas together in our little apartment (3rd Christmas together since we've been married).  

I'm so excited to see what this next year has in store for us.  We're at a stage in our lives right now where we don't really know what the future holds.  We could start a family, go to graduate school or move this year.  I can't wait for some new, exciting adventures this year.  Happy New Year everyone!  

*Take a look back at 2011 here and 2012 here.

-What exciting things did you do this year?
-What are you most excited for in 2014?


  1. It looks like 2013 was a great year for you and your family. I hope 2014 is even better!

    1. It was a great year! Hope yours was great too!

  2. Happy new year! love the recap! I'm looking forward to meeting my baby girl in February! Eager is an understatement these days! :)

    1. Thanks Dana!! That's so exciting for you! I can't wait to see pictures on your blog :)

  3. Great year and cute pictures! One of my goals this year is to buy and learn the Ukulele! Did you know how to play before? Is it hard? Hope you have a great year!

    1. Thanks Tonya! That's an awesome goal! I didn't know how to play before actually. I just taught myself from youtube videos and picked it up pretty fast. :) Happy New Year!
