Friday, January 3, 2014

Arms and Glutes HIIT Workout

I hope everyone had a great time celebrating for New Years Eve/Day this week!  On New Years Eve I had fun with Scott and our friends playing games and watching the fireworks in downtown Reno.  I'm definitely ready to get back to eating healthy and exercising again but now I'm on vacation in Utah for the rest of the week.  Sticking with healthy eating habits and exercise can be really difficult while you're traveling.  I always try to get up and do at least 20 minutes of exercise in the morning when I'm on vacation.  HIIT workouts are perfect for a quick, intense workout when you don't have a lot of time.  I created this arms/glutes hiit workout yesterday and got a great workout from it.  It can be done without any equipment and can even be done in a hotel room when you're traveling.  I love it because I feel like I get a great full body workout that's quick and effective.

*When doing jump squats and lunges protect your knees by making sure that they stay directly over your ankles.  
*You can use a chair, couch, or bed for tricep dips.  The further your legs are away from you, the more difficult the exercise will be. 
*If you need any help with any of these exercise please feel free to contact me

I'll be traveling until Sunday so I haven't had a lot of time to blog or comment.  I'm hoping to get back to updating blog posts and reading my favorite blogs when I get back.  I'm excited to share some new opportunities I've had through this blog with you guys!  Have a great weekend!

Question of the day:  Do you workout when you travel?  What's your favorite exercise to do on vacation?


  1. Great workout, I'll have to give it a try! I'm always looking for convenient workouts to do when I'm traveling. Thanks for sharing Christie!

    1. Thanks Kathryn! This one is pretty killer too :)

  2. I can imagine that this would be killer but I'm under strict orders from my physio to keep both feet on the ground :( I could always just not do the jumping part! I like bringing my resistance band with me when I travel!

    1. I love resistance bands! I especially love how they fit easily in my bag when I travel.

  3. This is a great series of warm ups! ;D Happy New Year!

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.

  4. I like your blog! It's really pithy and you are so beautiful! What about following each other on bloglovin'?
    Let me know if you want to!

  5. This looks great!! Unfortunately, I probably couldn't do the jump squats--maybe just regular squats though! Either way, it looks very fast paced, and I like that.

    1. Thanks Erin! Yeah, you could do regular squats or lunges if you can't jump. It would still be a killer workout. :)

  6. I just went on Bloglovin and saw that you follow my blog - for some reason I forgot to follow you! This looks like an awesome workout :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Liz and thanks for the follow!
